[sci.virtual-worlds] RS232 interface box for PowerGlove

gbnewby@rodan.acs.syr.edu (Gregory B. Newby) (03/08/91)

Hi again.  Well, I've received many responses from my query about
source code for the PowerGlove, as accessed through the RS232
box.  Most of the responses have had to do with "What box?  Where
do I get one?"  So, here's the answer:

Abrams/Gentile Entertainment in NYC invented the glove (Mattel 
manufactures it).  Due to almost immediate demand, they also
made a box that puts the glove into "raw data" mode, and sends
a data stream through the serial (rs232) port of any computer.

I just called them.  They are _sold out_ of the boxes, and don't
expect any in for over one month!  I'll call back in a couple
of weeks, and see if there's a more firm estimate.

If you're interested in getting one -- I think they sold for
about $200.00, but I could be wrong -- try sending a SnailNet
communique to:
        Abrams/Gentile Entertainment, Inc.
        244 West 54th Street, 9th Floor
        New York, NY, 10019

Aside from selling the box, they also have a "cooperative education"
program, through which several academic institutions have received
VR equipment.  You might want to ask about that, if your standing
in your academic institution warrants it.

VPL in California also sells the boxes, but it's through AGE - so
they probably don't have any either.  No one else markets them,
that I'm aware of.

A note on AGE:  they are mostly a R&D firm:  toys, movies, etc.
(remember the movie "BIG"???).  So, don't expect like a big
marketing portfolio. They sell the box direct so as to keep
control over who gets it and what use it's put to, is my guess
(also, it's not intended as a big consumer item).

Sorry I don't have more details. Remember that you can check out
last year's BYTE magazine, if you're into starting from scratch
w/ the PowerGlove.

Oh, by the way:  So far no one has come through with any source
code, Iris specific or otherwise.  The two main issues are probably:
        1.  Writing the stuff isn't really all that complicated,
                as box's data is only 9 bytes
        2.  Not too many folks have the box

-- Greg Newby
gbnewby@rodan.acs.syr.edu               gbnewby@sunrise.bitnet
                "Curiouser and curiouser"  - Alice