toddh@UCSD.EDU (Todd Heckel) (03/11/91)
Here in the 900 Group at Megatek Corporation, we are working on upgrades to our current product, the 944 Visual Image Generator. Primarily aimed at simulation and training, this system is targeted at the low- to mid-range section of the marketplace, meaning a channel typically rolls out the door for between $100K to $200K. The 944 is capable of generating Gouraud-shaded, 24-bit RGB high-resolution (1024 x 1024) images at "up to" 60 hz. It can currently process 100,000 independent, single light-source shaded 4-sided polygons per second. We use a proprietary scan-line Z-buffer algorithm that provides 32-bit floating-point accuracy during hidden- surface-removal with no database sorting required, which allows us to support hundreds of moving objects per scene. Pixels are rendered at the rate of 40 million per second. Of course, numbers are one thing, actual performance is another. The 944 was designed from the start with real-time, "out-the-window" image generation in mind. In that respect, we believe that the 944 can achieve the highest sustained graphics performace in the industry, particularly when it comes to filling pixels. For instance, in every customer comparison or benchmark involving us and SGI, we have come out on top. Now, don't get me wrong, SGI makes a nice CAD box, but we're talking real-time, full-screen images here. We currently bundle the 944 with a Sun 4/330 CPU and peripherals. We provide our own software library, which we again have designed from the start with real-time graphics in mind. The software provides for the creation and management of an object-oriented, hierarchical display-list with minimal effort or complexity required of the application. Future upgrades to the 944 will include provisions for multiple Display List Processors (for up to 500K independent polygons per second) and multiple Pixel Processors (for up to 320M pixels per second) as well as texture-mapping and real-time anti-aliasing. Obviously, we're talking about high-end when it comes to VW. Still, if you want the highest-fidelity, it's gonna' cost a pretty penny for some time to come. -- Todd Heckel Megatek Corporation uunet!megatek!toddh 9645 Scranton Road or (619)455-5590 San Diego, CA 92121 toddh@megatek.uucp (619)453-7603 FAX