[sci.virtual-worlds] JTTAS: Official Statement on Artificial Reality Study Commission

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (03/14/91)

JTTAS was founded in 1966 as a non-profit organization
authorized by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry's
Agency of Industrial Science and technology.  It's basic goal is to
support and promote international cooperation in the fields of
education, science, and technology through a variety of
international programs.
JTTAS is operated on the basic belief that as the 21st century
approaches, world peace and solidarity should be founded on
intellectual and economic cooperation of all nations; hence the
need for educational, scientific and technical knowledge to be
shared and jointly developed for the benefit of all.
Japan, as a world economic power, has a responsibility to play an
active role in the transfer and exchange of technology.  JTTAS
plans to help fulfil this national task by successfully pursuing
three major tasks as outlined below, based on the concept of
industry-government-academic collaboration.
Technical Committees
To date there are 80 technical committees performing research
and  development, technology transfer, and related activities in a
variety of industrial fields.  Committee membership includes
many leading figures from Japanese industry, government and
academic institutions.
Technology Transfer Specialist (TTS) Programs
JTTAS serves as a center for the movement of specialists and
experts to other countries in order to transfer technological and
management expertise as required.  We operate a training center
for the TTS programs, maintain a TTS database information center,
and provide information on job opportunities for engineers
through "techno face" cards.
International Research and Exchange Programs
JTTAS organizes international technical forums and study missions
on scientific and high technology subjects.
International Exchange of Young Scientists and Engineers
Scholarships are offered to students and newly-employed for
study overseas in science and technology.  International forums
are also held to promote an exchange of ideas among young
scientists and engineers from different nations and industries.
Research & Surveys
We conduct research and surveys consigned by government
agencies and public/private bodies in Japan and abroad.
Instruction service is also available.
Symposiums, Forums, and Seminars on High Technology
Symposiums, forums and seminars are organized in Japan and
other countries to introduce our research achievements and to
exchange information on high technology.
We have recently witnessed the birth of the concept of artificial
reality and tele-existence and the rush to put them into practical
use.  It has become possible to input human actions into the
computer, and to create the sense that one is actually part of the
computer graphic.  Such technology is nearing fruition, and it will
allow you to experience the real time sensation of actually being
at a remote site controlling robots, making them do anything you
want them to do.
The application of artificial reality is expected to open up new
worlds that, at present, are difficult to imagine; a world in which
you can touch with your own hands products that have yet to be
manufactured, a world in which you can walk through a house
that is still in the design stage, and a world in which you can put
together molecules by hand.  Through the employment of tele-
existence, dangerous and physically demanding operations which
formerly could not be done without the direct physical
involvement of human beings will now be performed by robots.
A person can experience a variety of situations by freely existing
in any environment he so chooses, without leaving the place
where he is.
Until this technology is fully realized, research into artificial
reality and tele-existence will be carried out by first combining
and then freely using robotics, computer sciences, three
dimensional image processing, neuro-computing, human
physiological engineering, psychological engineering, psychological
physics, and cognition sciences, based on such technologies as
measurement control technology, electronics, communication,
information processing and mechantronics.  Therefore, this
technology is not only advanced, but also requires a high degree
of interdisciplinary functionalism and pioneering capabilities.  It is
vital to grasp precise technological trends in the fields involved in
Japan, and at the same time keep them at the highest world
With such trends in sight, this committee should quickly and
accurately understand the present situation, both in Japan and
overseas, concerning research and development in high
technology to the rapidly advancing fields of artificial reality and
tele-existence.  At the same time, the committee must clarify the
design method by extracting basic technology and the systemizing
that technology.
The committee also proposes a practical concept of artificial
reality, by lining up the problems that are involved in the
application and employment of the technology for each field of
application.  And the committee will point out important
developing issues and study them; in accordance with benefits for
humans and society, the committee will closely indicate directions
in which artificial reality and tele-existence should proceed in the
future.  And these systems' methods of utilization, site of
utilization, development of environment, and method of
popularization will all be studied through the exchange of opinions
between industrial and academic sectors.
Furthermore, through discussions among public, private and
academic sectors on how to proceed with research in the field and
plans to create new industrial fields with artificial reality and
tele-existence, the committee will aim at contributing to the
promotion of technology in these fields in Japan.
Study Points
(1) Artificial Reality/Virtual Reality
(2) Implementation of Virtual Space
(3) Real-Time Computer Simulation
(4) Tele-Existence/Telepresence
(5) Communication with Realistic Sensation
(6) Intelligent CAD and IMS (Intelligent Manufacturing System)
(7) 3D Visual and Auditory Display
(8) Anthropomorphic Intelligent Robots
(9) Tactile and Force Displays
(10) Others
(1)     Symposiums, forums, seminars, and industrial visits
(2)     Research and surveys assigned by this committee
(3)     Proposition to government agencies
(4)     Collection and analysis of domestic and international and
                technical data
(5)     Domestic and international study/exchange activities
(6)     Joint research activities with other research institutions
(7)     Others (activities, programs)