[sci.virtual-worlds] Call for Papers: User Modelling and User-Adapted Interaction

tauber@taurus.uni-paderborn.de (Michael Tauber) (03/14/91)


Michael J. Tauber
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Paderborn

February 14, 1991

Re: User Modelling and User-Adapted Interaction: An International Journal;
    Special Issue on User Modelling in Human-Computer Interaction

Dear Collague,

I am planning to edit a special issue on "User Modelling in HCI" (working 
title) for the new Journal on "User Modelling and User Adapted Interaction" 
published by Kluwer Academic Press. Detailed informations about this journal
are enclosed. 

For the special issue, papers related to the following areas are solicited:

        - user's knowledge representation and acquisition 
        - cognitive models of user's knowledge and actions
        - user models, mental models, conceptual models
        - task analysis
        - analytical models
        - formal representation
        - elicitation of user models

Papers can discuss theoretical issues, empirical work related to user
modelling, design approaches based on user modelling, and implementations
running user models. In the light of some divergence what is meant by a user
model, the term user model is used by me in a broad sense. It comprises,
for example, models systems have of a user, and models users have of a system.

You are cordially invited to submit a paper to this special issue.
If you know other collagues who might be interested to submit a paper
please forward this information to them.

If you plan to submit a paper please send me a short letter of intent
until March 31, 1991 either by e-mail or post mail. It should indicate
the intended title and a short abstract. When I have received a letter
of intent I will send you detailed informations about the submission

The paper will be due by September 30, 1991.

The paper will be reviewed then by me as the guest editor and a small team of
reviewers which will be set up by the UMUAI editors. The editors intend to
restrict the time of preparing the special issue to five months. The first
results of the reviewing processes will be expected two months after
the submissions. The remaining three months are mainly for possible revisions
and re-reviews. There is a hard working editing team which was able to handle
such a strict time schedule successfully already in the past. The main
advantage is evident: papers are published quickly and really reflect the
current state of the art. 

By the way, UMUAI also accepts submissions in form of a LaTeX file.
Such submissions help to accelerate the production time of an issue.

I am hoping that you will consider UMUAI is a good platform for presenting
your leading work in HCI.

Sincerly yours,

Michael J. Tauber

PS: Please do not reply automatically to that email which was sent to you
    from the Free University Amsterdam where I am currently on sabbatical
    leave. I will return soon to the University of Paderborn. So, please
    use only the email address below.

Michael J. Tauber
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Paderborn
Warburgerstr. 100
D-4790 Paderborn

Phone:       +49 (5251) 60 2637 or 60 2617
e-mail:      tauber@uni-paderborn.de


                                                                  Jan. 23, 1991
                            Information on
                         AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

Thank you for your interest in submitting a paper to 'User Modeling and
User-Adapted Interaction' (UMUAI). The following information should answer most
of your questions concerning this journal. The document consists of three
parts: Part A describes the aims, the scope and the organization of the
journal, Part B gives instructions on hardcopy submission, and Part C explains
in detail the possibility of submitting LaTeX papers by electronic mail.

If any of your questions should remain unanswered after reading this, do not 
hesitate to contact umuai@cs.uni-sb.de. I wish you the best for the production
of your paper. May Athena and Kalliope inspire you, and Mepomene keep off!

  Alfred Kobsa 
  Editor UMUAI



'User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction' provides an interdisciplinary
forum for the dissemination of new research results on all aspects of user
modeling and user-adapted interaction. The journal publishes high-quality
original papers contributing to these fields, including the following areas:

  - acquisition of user and student models
  - conceptual models, mental models
  - dialog planning and response tailoring
  - levels of user expertise
  - explanation strategies
  - intelligent information retrieval
  - plan recognition and generation
  - presentation planning
  - recognition and correction of misconceptions
  - user stereotypes
  - formal representation of user and student models
  - shell systems for user modeling
  - tutoring strategies

Relevant papers from the fields of Psychology, Linguistics and the 
Instructional Sciences are also considered.

The central audience of the journal are researchers, students and industrial
practitioners from the following areas: Artificial Intelligence (focus on 
knowledge-based systems), Human-Computer Interaction (focus on cognitive 
engineering and intelligent interfaces), Linguistics (focus on pragmatics and 
dialog models), and the Instructional Sciences (focus on computer-based 
tutoring systems).

UMUAI is published quarterly by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
Netherlands. The first issue will appear in early 1991.

Editor: Alfred Kobsa
        Dept. of Computer Science
        University of Saarbruecken
        D-6600 Saarbruecken 11

Editorial Board:

        David Benyon, Open University, England
        Sandra Carberry, Univ. of Delaware, U.S.A.
        David Chin, Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa, U.S.A.
        Robin Cohen, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada 
        Timothy Finin, Unisys, Paoli, U.S.A.
        Gerd Fischer, Univ. of Colorado, U.S.A.
        Gordon McCalla, Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada
        Dianne Murray, City University, England
        Cecile Paris, Information Science Institute, U.S.A.
        Stephen Payne, IBM, New York, U.S.A.
        Elaine Rich, MCC, Austin, U.S.A.
        John Self, Univ. of Lancaster, England
        Elliot Soloway, Univ. of Michigan, U.S.A.
        Hans Spada, Univ. of Freiburg, West Germany
        Karen Sparck Jones, Univ. of Cambridge, England
        Michael Tauber, Univ. of Paderborn, West Germany
        Wolfgang Wahlster, Univ. of Saarbruecken, West Germany
        Richard Young, MRC, Cambridge, England

An additional large Board of Special Reviewers with various fields of expertise
assists the Editorial Board in the reviewing of submissions.