[sci.virtual-worlds] GoggleVox: A new eyephones device?

harry@harlqn.co.uk (Harry Fearnhamm) (03/19/91)

Over the weekend (16/17th), there were two separate reports in the
English newspapers (Daily Telegraph and Sunday Express) on a
`revolutionary' new device, the GoggleVox.  This device is supposed to
be do to teevee what the WalkMan has done to tape recorders.  By all
accounts it is a pair of LCD displays mounted into goggles no larger
than those used in skiing.  The means of achieving the quality
required for teevee is an undisclosed magnifying technique.  Although
that's its initial entrypoint, if this device is for real, and there
are no problems hooking it up to a VR system, it looks like serious
competition for the other devices currently available for VR, both in
size and cost - estimated 300 pounds sterling for the whole system, so
the goggles should be somewhat less.

I haven't followed this up, but you might like to try this contact:

Mr Nicholas Phillips,
Loughborough Institute of Technology,

Tel: +44 (0)509 215831

Mr William Johnson, an independant inventor, seems to be the main
inventor, with help from the aforementioned Nicholas Phillips.

   Harry Fearnhamm, ,---.'\   EMAIL: loki@harlqn.co.uk
    Harlequin Ltd, (, /@ )/          ...!ukc!cam-cl!harlqn!loki
   Barrington Hall,  /( _/ ')   VOX: +44 (0)223 872522
     Barrington,     \,`---'    FAX: +44 (0)223 872519
   Cambridgeshire,       DISCLAIMER: Nothing is True.
      ENGLAND.                       Everything is Permitted.