[sci.virtual-worlds] Connection Machine

frerichs@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (David J Frerichs) (03/19/91)

The Connection Machine and I/O...

The CM2 overcomes I/O problems in the same way it overcomes processing
problems: parallelism.  The main memory bank or data vault of the CM2 consists
of 39 hard drives for a total of 10Gbytes of data expandable to 20Gbytes.
A 32bit word from the processor array (which, BTW, is in a 12d hypercube
structure) is sent to the data vault with one bit per drive and 7 error 
correction bits to 7 other drives.  This results in an amazing capability.
During the demo I was at, the operator opened up the vault while the CM2
was doing some intensive number crunching, and pulled a cable off one of the
drives!  The CM2 wasn't even phased... it just kept going as if nothing
happened.  Now that is a computer built to last. 

For graphics, the CM2 has a special frame buffer I/O module that supports
40Mbyte/sec transfer rates.  That translates to 13 24bit color megapel pictures
per second... quite enough for continuous movement. (Although, that is the
peak rate, nominal operations would cut it down a couple frames per second.)

The thing that impresses me the most about the Connection Machine 2 is its
durability.  Yeah, it needs to be in an air-conditioned room, but that is
the extent of it's environmental suseptability.  The guy who was showing it
also opened it up for us to take a look at it innards (that split in the middle
of the blocks full of lights swings open for full access).  He joked that
they kept a keg of beer in the back section with the doors open.  Compared
to the CRAY, which would cease to run if it weren't cooled with cryogenic
fluid and kept in a perfect, near clean room environment, the CM2 is an

 University of Illinois, Urbana         Designing VR systems that work...
 Dept. of Computer Engineering          Networked VR.
 IEEE/SigGraph                            _    _    _
 frerichs@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu              _/_\__/_\__/_\_
 frerichs@well.sf.ca.us                  \_/  \_/  \_/                     ]