[sci.virtual-worlds] 134 lines

GEODMM@UBVMS.BITNET (David M. Mark) (03/19/91)

[MODERATOR'S NOTE:  This is a reposting from the INGRAFX mailing list,
dealing with the AUTO CARTO 10, one of the U.S.'s most important
conferences on GIS systems.  The relation to virtual worlds may be
obvious.  -- Bob Jacobson]

AUTO CARTO 10 Program

The Tenth International Symposium on Automated Cartography will be
held in Baltimore, Maryland, March 25-28, 1991.  Here is the
program; apologies to those who receive it more than once:

Monday, March 25
1:30-2:45:  Plenary Session, "The Auto Carto series"

D. Mark & D. White, organizers
Panelists (former Auto Carto program chairs):
     Warren Schmidt, Bob Aangeenbrug, Mary Clawson,
     Nick Chrisman, Erik Anderson

Monday, March 25
3:00-4:40:  Panel Discussion:
              "Alternative Representations of Geographic Reality"
               Stephen Guptill & Scott Morehouse, organizers
Panelists:  Nicholas Chrisman, Michael Goodchild, Stephen Guptill,
            Scott Morehouse, Francois Salge

Tuesday, March 26
8:00-9:40:  Generalization, Resolution, and Multi-scale Databases
            Chair: David Douglas

8:00-8:25  C. Jones    "Database Architecture for Multi-scale GIS"
8:25-8:50  F. Csillag  "Resolution Revisited"
8:50-9:15  K. Beard & W. Mackaness  "Generalization Operations and
                                     Supporting Structures"
9:15-9:40  - Discussion

Tuesday, March 26
10:00-12:00  Algorithms and Mathematical Issues
             Chair: Marvin White

10:00:-10:25:  J. Herring  "Using Spline Functions to Represent
                            Distributed Attributes"
10:25-10:50:  A. Saalfeld "New Proximity-preserving Orderings for
                            Spatial Data"
10:50-11:15:  G. Dutton   "Zenithial Orthotriangular Projection"
11:15-11:40:  T. Bestul   "A General Technique for Creating SIMD
                 Algorithms on Parallel Pointer-based Quadtrees"
11:40-12:00:  -Discussion

Tuesday, March 26
1:30-2:45  Image Interpretation and Map Digitization
           Chair: to be announced

1:30-1:55  B. Sakoda & J. Hauk  "Detecting Features in Low
                        Resolution Aerial images of City Blocks"
1:55-2:20  A. Illert  "Automatic Digitization of Large Scale Maps"
2:20-2:45  M. Wang, P. Gong, and P. Howarth
                        "Thematic Mapping from Imagery: An Aspect of
                         Automated Map Generalization"

Tuesday, March 26
3:00-4:40  Panel Discussion: "What's the Big Deal about Global
                              Hierarchical Tesselations?"
           G. Dutton, organizer

Wednesday, March 27
Spatial queries, Spatial reasoning, Spatial analysis
            Chair: Nicholas Chrisman

8:00-8:25  G. Langran  "Producing Answers to Spatial Questions"
8:25-8:50  A. Frank    "Qualitative Spatial Reasoning about
                        Cardinal Directions"
8:50-9:15  G. Dutton   "Improving Spatial Analysis in GIS
9:15-9:40  -Discussion

Wednesday, March 27
10:00-12:00  Surface Representation
             Chair: Duane Marble

10:00-10:25  G. Wolf   "Characterization of Functions Representing
                        Topographic Surfaces
10-25-10:50  P. Fisher "Simulation of the Uncertainty of a Viewshed"
10:50-11:15  T. Kao, D. Mount, A. Saalfeld  "Dynamic maintenance of
                        Delaunay Triangulations"
11:15-11:40  L. Scarlatos & T. Pavlidis  "Adaptive Hierarchical
11:40-12:00  - Discussion

Wednesday, March 27
1:30-2:45  User interfaces and Map Design
           Chair: David Mark

1:30-1:55  Z. Feibing  "Structuring the Knowledge of Cartographic
                        Symbolization-- An Object-oriented Approach"
1:55-2:20  W. Kuhn     "Are Displays Maps or Views?
2:20-2:45  J. Raper & M. Bundock  "UGIX: A GIS Independent User
                        Interface Environment"

Wednesday, March 27
3:00-4:40  Panel Discussion:  "Visualizating the Quality of Spatial
           B. Buttenfield and Kate Beard, Organizers

Thursday, March 28
8:00-9:40   Map Overlay Issues
            Chair: Alan Saalfeld

8:00-8:25  C. Dorenbeck & M. Egenhofer  "Algebraic Optimization of
                                     Combined Overlay Operations"
8:25-8:50  D. Pullar  "Spatial Overlay with Inexact Numerical Data
8:50-9:15  N. Chrisman & M. Lester  "A Diagnostic Test for Error in
                                     Categorical Maps"
9:15-9:40  - Discussion

Thursday, March 28
10:00-12:00  Data Structures and Models
             Chair: Andrew Frank

10:00-10:25  K. Bennis, B. David, I. Morize-Quilio, J. Thevenin,
             Y. Viemon: "GeoGraph: A Topological Storage Model for
                         Extensible GIS"
10:25-10:50  S. Pigot:  "Topological Models for 3 Spatial
                         Information Systems"
10:50-11:15  P. van Oosterom:  "The Reactive-tree: A Storage
                         Structure for a Seamless, Scaleless
                         Geographic Database"
11:15-11:40  R. Newell, M. Easterfield, D. Theriault  "Integration
                                of Spatial Objects in a GIS"
11:40-12:00  -  Discussion