[sci.virtual-worlds] The VR Job Market

rdees@umiami.ir.miami.edu (Matthion) (03/20/91)


        I am about to graduate from the University of Miami with a major
in Experimental Psychology and a strong minor in Math (two classes short of a
major).  Over the course of the last year I have become very interested in VR.
Without specifically trying to do so, I had given myself a good background
preperation for this work...extensive work with vector mathematics, computer
programming, and detailed studies of perception.

        The question that I have is--in short--where is the VR job market? 
What companies exist, what labortories are doing this research?  How does one
find out?  Is there an index or a list somewhere?  In lieu of that, would it be
possible for me to get enough input from other people on the net to try to put
one together?

        If you know of any companies doing work in this area, or labortories
moving their research in this direction, please let me know.  (If you were to
know of a possible job I would owe you an eternal debt of gratitude...)  Please
E-Mail any information, as I do not have time to read news on a regular basis.

        If I manage to put together enough information to make it a worthwhile
reference for curious people in general, I will, of course, assemble it and
post it to the group.

Thanks for your time,

                              Matthew D. Turner
                             University of Miami