[sci.virtual-worlds] Nasa Grad Student Summer Jobs

hitchner@riacs.edu (Lew Hitchner) (03/23/91)

Subject: Summer job posns. -- virtual reality programmers -- NASA Ames

Summer job positions for graduate student or upper division undergrad or person
with equivalent experience (TEMPORARY JOBS, NOT PERMANENT):

Employer:       RIACS (Research Institue for Advanced Computer Science)

Location:       NASA Aerospace Human Factors Division
                NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (Silicon Valley)

Qualifications: Required:
                   + U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident (INS Green Card)
                   + advanced C language and Unix programming skills
                   + experience in one or more of the following:
                      - graphics rendering systems
                      - graphics modeling systems
                      - X11 Window System and X toolkit (user and/or
                        programmer experience)
                      - user interface design and development
                      - geographic information systems (GIS)
                   + experience in one or more of the following:
                      - image processing algorithms and programming
                      - database systems
                      - geology or geomorphology
                      - human vision perception
                   + experience in a Virtual Reality Lab !!!

Terms:          negotiable, but generally:
                + length of employment 12 weeks (June to Sept.)
                + 40 hour work week with flexible hours
                + salary is at an hourly rate
                + minimal benefits (Workman's Comp. and not much else)
                + travel expenses to/from Moffett Field for job relocation
                + possibility of continuing part-time employment during
                  school year for local grad students

Project:        Visualization for Planetary Exploration

                This project, now in its third year, is developing
                software for use with a Stardent GS-2000 graphics
                super-computer and a head-mounted display (currently
                using VPL EyePhone with a Polhemus 6 degree-of-freedom
                tracker).  The software and hardware support 3D
                interactive visualizations of terrain data of the
                planet Mars.  The terrain data is derived from NASA
                Viking orbiter imagery that was processed by the
                USGS.  User applications include virtual world visual
                simulations for planetary astro-geologists and for
                rover vehicle landing site selection and traversal
                planning.  The project has an operational prototype
                version of a virtual reality terrain visualization
                system that has been running for about one year.  Our
                work is research and development on virtual reality
                systems for spatial exploration.  There are at least
                three other virtual reality R&D labs in the division
                working on related application areas (robotics, audio,
                scientific visualization).

Contact:        Lew Hitchner, hitchner@riacs.edu
                MS 262-2
                NASA Ames Research Center
                Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000

                Respond with a copy of your resume, including job
                experience or schoolwork especially related to our
                project.  Please reply before April 12, 1991.

                If you're reading this msg in a newsgroup, please reply
                directly by email (preferable) or phone (less
                preferable) rather than replying to the newsgroup.