[sci.virtual-worlds] Info on SIGGRAPH and Meaning of "Compugraphics"

jbrown@UMAXA.WEEG.UIOWA.EDU (Judy Brown) (03/24/91)

Jeremy Crampton asked about the meaning of "Computational Graphics" and
SIGGRAPH addresses (unrelated items, but I'll respond to both.)

"Computational Graphics", as used by Harold Santo, chair of Compugraphics 91
in Lisbon, refers to what he considers to be an emerging scientific discipline
in engineering and the physical sciences, akin to visualization, where the
computational science and computer graphics relate to each other and are
dependent upon each other.  If you want more information on his views, his
e-mail address is d1663@eta.ist.rccn.pt

All SIGGRAPH Executive Committee members, Conference Planning Committee
members, Education Committee members, etc. can be reached through e-mail at
Xerox PARC.  The address for an individual is lastname.siggraph@xerox.com
(except for Maxine Brown and myself (Judy Brown) where it would be
ambiguous, and the full name must be used.)  You can send mail to all of the
SIGGRAPH executive committee through ec.siggraph@xerox.com.  Similarly, you
can send mail to the '91 conference commitee at 91.siggraph@xerox.com, etc.
General questions can be addressed to info.siggraph@xerox.com.

Judy Brown
SIGGRAPH Vice Chair for Operations