[sci.virtual-worlds] 25th Hawaii Int`l Conf. on System Sciences - CALL FOR PAPERS

chrise@cs.washington.edu (Chris Esposito) (03/26/91)

[Bob- Could you post this? As the subject indicates, it's a CFP for 
conference in Hawaii next January - I'll be the chair for the two sessions
they will have on VR.  I'm also looking for a few reviewers, so if you or
anyone else over there has the time I'd be delighted to recruit you.


25th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-25)
                             CALL FOR PAPERS
                             Software Track
                    Mini Track: User Interface Design

Location & Dates:
    Stouffer Waiohai Resort, Poipu, Kauai, Hawaii
    January 7-10, 1992

    The software track of HICSS-25 will contain a two-day workshop focusing on
topics in user interface design.  The presentations will provide a forum to
discuss advances in theory, and practice that improve production, learning,
and use.  Theoretical, conceptual, tutorial, or descriptive papers selected
for presentation will appear in the conference proceedings published by the
University of Hawaii in cooperation with the ACM, the Computer Society, and
the Pacific Research Institute for Information Systems and Management
(PRIISM). Submissions are solicited for the following sessions, which will be
administered by the Session Chairs noted below.

Session: Cognition 
         Thinking and Problem solving for system design and interaction

  Chairs:  Prof. Stephanie Doane, Psychology Dept., Univ. of Colorado
           Prof. Martha E. Crosby, Dept. of Information & Computer Science,
            University of Hawaii

Session: Virtual Reality and 3-D
         New metaphors and models for VR and 3-D displays

  Chair: Dr. Chris Esposito, Boeing Research and Technology, Computer Science

Session: Software Development Tools
         Facilitating Rapid prototyping and efficient design/manufacturing

  Chair:  Gene Schultz, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory

Session: Multi-Media & Hypermedia
         Video, hypertext, agents, and control panels to facilitate complex

  Chair:  Brent Aurnheimer, California State University at Fresno

Paper Submissions:
    Manuscripts should be 7,500 words in length. Please do not send
submissions that are significantly longer or shorter.  Papers must not have
been presented or published, nor currently submitted for journal publication.
Each manuscript will be submitted to a rigorous refereeing process.
Manuscripts should have a title page that includes the title of the paper,
full name of its author(s), affiliations(s), complete physical and electronic
address(es), telephone number(s), and a 300-word abstract of the paper.


    May 10 1991     30 word abstract due
    May 17          Feedback to author(s) concerning abstract
    June 14         Five copies of the manuscript are due
    August 30       Notification of paper acceptance
    October 1       Accepted manuscripts, camera ready, are due

Address for Submissions:
    Send all submissions and questions to the Mini-Track Coordinator:

    Mr. Aaron Marcus, Principal, Aaron Marcus and Associates
    1144 65th St., Suite F, Emeryville, CA 94608-1109 USA
    Voice: (415) 601-0994 
    Fax:   (415) 547-6125
    e-mail: marcus3@violet.berkely.edu

Session Chairs:
    Each of the four Session Chairs is responsible for promoting contributions
to the session and for reviewing (ideally) 24 papers (together with 3-5 other
reviewers selected by the Session Chair) from which 6 papers will be selected
for presentation in two 90-minute technical sessions.  Session Chair contact
information follows below.

Prof. Brent Aurnheimer
Dept. of Computer Science
California State University at Fresno
Fresno, CA 93740-0109
Voice: (209) 278-4636  E-mail: brent@csufres.csufresno.edu

Prof. Martha E. Crosby (Co-Chair)
Department of Information and Computer Science, Keller 319
University of Hawaii, 2565 The Mall
Honolulu, HI 96822
Voice: (808) 956-3493  E-mail: crosby@uhics.uhcc.hawaii.edu

Prof. Stephanie Doane (Co-Chair)
Department of Psychology
University of Colorado, CB345
Boulder, CO 80309-0345
Voice: (303) 492-6983  E-mail: sdoane@boulder.colorado.edu

Dr. Chris Esposito, Research Scientist
Boeing Research and Technology, Computer Science Group
P.O. Box 24346, Mail Stop 7L-64
Seattle, WA 98124
Voice: (206) 865-3162  E-mail: chrise@atc.boeing.com  FAX: (206) 865-2964
(For packages, use: 2760 160th Ave. S.E., Building 33-07
                    Bellevue, WA 98008)

Dr. Eugene Schultz, Research Manager
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
Livermore, CA
Voice: (415) 822-8123  (sec: 423-7981) E-mail: schultz@llnl.gov

"A waist is a terrible thing to mind" - Dan Quayle at a Weight Watchers group
Chris Esposito                      | Internet: chrise@atc.boeing.com
Boeing Advanced Technology Center   | uucp: ...!uw-june!bcsaic!chrise