[sci.virtual-worlds] VR Job Market: looking for yet more info.

rdees@umiami.ir.miami.edu (Matthion) (03/22/91)

First I would like to thank again the people who have responded to
my earlier post about job opportunities and working research labs.
If anybody out there knows of any jobs available, I would still be
happy to hear from them.

The reason for this new post is that I need a piece of information.

Does anyone know how to get in touch with VPL Research?  I know 
that they are located in Palo Alto, CA, but have no address, phone
number, or network address.  If you could please forward me the 
information, I would really appriciate it.

Thanks again,
and keep that data coming!


                              Matthew D. Turner
                             University of Miami

charney@BINAH.CC.brandeis.edu (03/26/91)

VPL's Mailing info:
VPL Research Inc.
656 Bair Island Road, Suite 304
Redwood City, CA  94063
(415) 361-1710   (fax) 361-1845
--by the way, if you end up working there and want
a product dev. Partner, don't forget me (although social 
theory is my bag!0 ---good luck