[sci.virtual-worlds] Circ de Sole

mcr@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu (Michele Rizack) (03/28/91)

I am a lurker on this newsgroup but recently on the radio I've heard
about some sort of virtual reality (game/circus?) being set up in the
New York Area.  On April 11, something called Circ de Sole (sp?) will
be opening in Battery Park.  Anyone know anything about it?

As for there not being any women on this group, it's something I had
not even considered.  I have to admit, I don't know too many women who
are interested in virtual worlds outside of games, but being in a
male-dominated major (CS) I guess I have become accustomed to it.

I hope to find a career dealing with some aspect of virtual reality;
if anyone knows of SIGs I could contact that would help me in the
coming years, please let me know.   

Someone mentioned that women and men may have different responses to
the technology developed.  I for one get nauseous while using a flight
simulator (problem is called "vection" I believe) and while riding in
a car as a passenger.  Muscle-developing and caffiene seem to lessen
these effects.  Playing with the flight simulator while drinking
Mountain Dew is always a more thrilling experience. :-)  I never
thought of the possibility that gender responses would be all that
marked, but perhaps it could be related to the experiences of male and
female astronauts?

Michele Rizack

"Beauty will be CONVULSIVE or will not be at all." - from "Nadja", Breton
"They will not keep me in the zoo." - children's story book.
Disclaimer: I am not you!  I am barely even myself.