[sci.virtual-worlds] Roll Call for New Participants and Lurkers!

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (03/31/91)

Well, it's time for another rendition of our famous Roll Call, by which
the Moderator collects the names, addresses, phone numbers, fax and
email addresses, and interests of the sci.virtual-world participants.
We do this for historical purposes and to have on hand a directory if
one becomes necessary, for connecting participants.

This information is confidential and will not be given out to anyone,
unless you explicitly request that we do so.  We do not use this data for
HIT Lab activities, mailings lists, or solicitations.  Occasionally,
with permission, I will link up people via the Roll Call if someone
inquires about others working in a specific field or in their own
companies/schools/organizations (which happens more often than you might

So, for those who have joined us recently or changed situations, please
tell us

(1) Who you are
(2) Your affiliation (if you consider it primary)
(3) Your address
(4) Telephones, voice and fax
(5) Preferred email address
(6) What you're doing now
(7) What your interests in this newsgroup are

You can also append comments regarding the quality of the newsgroup, its
moderation, the topics it carries, and so forth.  I read all of them.

(2) Finally, just for the record, I will be traveling extensively in Europe
over the next several weeks.  One stop will be the IN CYBERSPACE confer-
ence being sponsored by Siemens and the city of Munich, 11-13 April.
For more information, I suggest contacting Siemens, as I have only my
letter of invitation and a topic, "Televirtuality."  It's actually a
conference on design and the philosophy of virtual worlds, as I get it.
I will also be speaking at the Swedish Institute for Computer Science, in
Stockholm, around 14-16 April, at what I think is a public seminar.  For
more information, contact Lennart Fahlen, lef@sics.se   

In my absence, Mark De Loura will once again assume the necessary
moderating role that he handles so well.  Mark's email is   

For those of your attending Cyberspace Conference 2 in Santa Cruz,
California, USA, best wishes to all and please report back on the 
conference itself and the presentations there.

Bob Jacobson

PS I leave for Europe on 6 April, so if you need immediate attention to
something, please email me now and I'll try to get to it before I leave
my computer at home.