[sci.virtual-worlds] Looking for information on VR Programming Interfaces

vankirk@news (VANKIRK ROBERT SCOTT) (04/02/91)

I am a student at the University of Colorado at Boulder.  I am currently 
attempting to research the use of virtual reality as a basis for a programming 
environment. I have been able to find nothing on this topic.  Is anyone out
there doing research in this area or is aware of such research.  I am 
interested in everything from actual 3-D visual programming languages to 
simple program visualization. Please respond via email to the address above 
if you know of any research in this vein.

As long as I'm here, I might as well put in my 2 cents worth about the female
problem (or lack thereof).  When I first attended CU from 1980-1984, there
were almost no women in the computer science program at all.  This was also
true for most of the science and math classes that I took.  Happily, since
I have returned, I have noticed that the number of women in these classes
have approched the 1/3 to 1/2 mark!  I have even met 2 (two) women physics
majors!  If CU is not just an anomoly, I think that the number of women
in the CS field is growing nicely.  So don't panic!

-Scott Van Kirk

dugal@neon.Stanford.EDU (Douglas S. Gray) (04/04/91)

A question was raised about...

>interested in everything from actual 3-D visual programming languages to 
>simple program visualization. Please respond via email to the address above 
>if you know of any research in this vein.

- please also post here, I'm sure lots of people (including me) are

-Doug Gray