[sci.virtual-worlds] Home Made Goggles Info

seguine@girtab.usc.edu (Christopher Seguine) (04/07/91)

I am planning on making a pair of goggles using the small citizen monitors
I was wondering if anyone had any experience doing this? Also where can
I purchase the necessary infinity focus optics (price?) 


Christopher Seguine

pepke@SCRI1.SCRI.FSU.EDU (Eric Pepke) (04/08/91)

In article <1991Apr7.062652.8611@milton.u.washington.edu> 
seguine@girtab.usc.edu (Christopher Seguine) writes:
> I am planning on making a pair of goggles using the small citizen 
> I was wondering if anyone had any experience doing this? Also where can
> I purchase the necessary infinity focus optics (price?) 

Are you sure you want to use the smaller size?  The 2.7" frequently go on 
sale and cost as little as the 2.2".  I'm even thinking of using the 4" 
Casio's, but there hasn't been a good enough sale yet, and $300 per eye is 
above my budget.

For optics, I am thinking of using two 2" by 4" magnifying glasses 
abutting at the bridge of the nose.  This will be followed by a fresnel 
lens for a secondary.  For my eyes, this seems to give an infinity feel at 
about 4".  Also, looking through the extreme sides of the magnifying 
glasses has a desirable side-effect of bringing the image of the monitors 
closer to the center.  This way, you can get considerable overlap without 
mirrors or prisms.  Using a fresnel for the secondary gives a slight fuzzing
to the picture, just enough to distract from the pixels.  I am hoping that the 
acrylic lenses can be cemented directly to plexiglas.  

Eric Pepke                                    INTERNET: pepke@gw.scri.fsu.edu
Supercomputer Computations Research Institute MFENET:   pepke@fsu
Florida State University                      SPAN:     scri::pepke
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4052                    BITNET:   pepke@fsu

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