[sci.virtual-worlds] how to start....

daili@wasp.eng.ufl.edu (DaiLi) (04/09/91)


I am a new reader here.  Could anybody out there point me where I could
ftp the archives of this group? and is there FAQ for this group? 

I am working in Robotics field, but we are doing traditional research,
now I am trying to look for the new approach for the simulation. seems
VR is the direction. However, I know nothing about VR. Could anyone point
me where to start? is there any book or paper to introduce the beginner
in VR field?  Thanks.....

[From the co-moderator, Mark: You can anonymously ftp the archives
 of this newsgroup from milton.u.washington.edu.  The archives begin
 with February of last year.  They are in ~ftp/public/virtual-worlds/postings.]