[sci.virtual-worlds] Comment on my recent posting on Male-Female Neurological differences

erich@eecs.cs.pdx.edu (Erich Stefan Boleyn) (04/09/91)

   A clarification of some of the neuroanatomy of male-female differences
just came to me over e-mail, and I thought that I should post it.

---------------------------( cut here )--------------------------------

From: microsoft!edwardj@uunet.uu.net
Message-Id: <9104082305.AA22889@relay1.UU.NET>
To: uunet!cs.pdx.edu!erich@uunet.UU.NET
Date: Mon Apr  8 15:41:23 1991

  (most of header deleted)

In article <1991Mar30.024708.29522@milton.u.washington.edu> you write:
>   Whoa!  As a student of Neuroscience, I think that I should set the
>record straight as to what the current state of knowledge is about this.

You are a victim of syllabus!

Most neuroscience books will not go into detail about the sex-linked
physical differences in the human brain, but there are significant
differences linked to the androgen cycle in the third trimester of
prenatal development -- these include development of the ocular
and gustatory systems, and corpus callosum (among others).

In some cases the typical sex-linked difference in mass of brain 
tissues in these regions may be great as 3-fold or more. Very few
studies have attempted to correlate these findings with humans
that have atypical sex-chromosomes (XXY, etc.) for the obvious

Also consider that there is no evidence that environment will
increase brain *cellular* mass (contrast to glial), with the
exception of environmental factors that can *decrease* cellular
mass (for example it is not understood how selection is achieved
when massive neuronal death occurs in early postnatal development).

Feel free to post this email if you think it will elucidate
your statements in the sci.virtual-worlds news conference.

It is most likely that adapative systems that are not predicated
on any assumptions of human neurophysiology, but rather have
social bias, are going to be the norm for VR systems. This is
partly unavoidable, and indeed probably the right way to go
for higher semantic information conveyance. On the other hand,
studies by groups such as EEG Systems Laboratory focus on
more "universal" patterns of activity in the brain...

Edward Jung
Microsoft Corp.

My opinions do not reflect any policy of my employer.

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   He has a point...  anyway, 'nuff said.  (time for me to hit those
books again ;-)


             "I haven't lost my mind; I know exactly where it is."
     / --  Erich Stefan Boleyn  -- \       --=> *Mad Genius wanna-be* <=--
    { Honorary Grad. Student (Math) }--> Internet E-mail: <erich@cs.pdx.edu>
     \  Portland State University  /  >%WARNING: INTERESTED AND EXCITABLE%<