[sci.virtual-worlds] Architectural Design and VR

rwzobel@eos.ncsu.edu (RICHARD W ZOBEL) (04/10/91)

I am a graduate student in Architecture at the North Carolina State
University School of Design. My thesis project is an attempt to look at
how a virtual reality could be used to aid the Design process. At this
point, my thesis is purely theoretical, but I hope to use this as a step
toward a Doctorate to further study and hopefully impliment a virtual
design environment for Architects. 

Architecture is by nature spatial, and typically involves scales larger
than that which are realistically able to be tested full size during the
initial phases of the design process. I believe that VR can change this,
and that this change represents a fundamental shift in the way that
designers may be able to design in the future. My thesis concentrates on
what these changes may be, and what the tool (virtual design
environment) should look like.

My reasons for posting this are to see if there is any literature on
this or any related topics, and also to establish contacts with anyone
doing research in or near to this area. I am looking for any research,
information or opinions on the use of VR for interactive modeling of
space and the issues that surround such a process. I am also looking for
Universities or Research Centers which may have projects along these
lines. So far, my contacts have been at UNC and Stanford, both of which
have been tremendously helpful. 

I am in the proposal stage right now and I know very little other than
my own opinions. ANY information (or opinions) that you can give me will
be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance...

Richard Zobel
North Carolina State University
School of Design
Raleigh, North Carolina