[sci.virtual-worlds] Quick powerglove question...

ifat423@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (yo'man) (04/12/91)

I wondering if anyone could give me some quick info on the powerglove.  the
toysr'us in my city has them for $50, and since they aren't being made anymore
I was going to pick one up, if it could be interfaced well w/ the Motorola
68HC11 Evaluation Board (EVB - the little one for $68).  I bought one last
year, and it has since been collecting dust on my desk @ work.  I'm going
to buy it today after work, so if there's a problem w/ it, send me mail or 
post a message (I will check both before picking it up).           

Thanks alot,

Andrew Wheeler

cxjdb@gatech.edu (04/16/91)

Over in comp.sys.next I saw that someone has attached a Powerglove to their
NeXT computer. (One of the low-priced stations!!).  The Objective-C code that
lets the DSP port talk to the glove and maps it into the system mouse as well
as a description (schematic?) of the hardware to make the connection were posted
for ftp at purdue.
        -jon bennett