[sci.virtual-worlds] Conference Announcement

rusti@erg.sri.com (04/17/91)

I just received a brochure for a conference being hosted by SRI.
Readers of sci.virtual-worlds may be interested in getting additional
information. Contact Teresa Middleton (not me please!) if you have
questions about the conference.

        Virtual Worlds: Real Challenges 

A conference presented by SRI International, David Sarnoff Research
Center, and VPL Research Inc.

June 17 & 18, 1991 at SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Avenue in
Menlo Park, CA.

Session topics include:
        System architectures
        Future Issues in technology development
        Teleoperations and telepresence
        Human perception
        Biomedical applications
        Entertainment applications
        Applications for the disabled

Speakers will include:

        Jaron Lanier (VPL)
        Warren Robinett (UNC)
        John Thomas (NYNEX)
        Hugh Lusted (Stanford)
        Representatives from NASA Ames Research Center

Early Registration (April 30): $475

Day of Virtual World Building offered by VPL on June 19: $400

Address questions to:
                        Teresa Middleton
                        SRI International
                        Phone: (415) 859-3382
                        Fax: (415) 859-2861
                        email: middleton@sri.com