[sci.virtual-worlds] 5D Design: Preface

thinman@netcom.com (Lance Norskog) (04/22/91)


The following 4 articles are my preliminary design for a 
windowing system and associated programming language for
melding real-time 3D, sound, force feedback, and networking.
It's intended as a VR/Cyberspace building block, and as
a drop-in replacement for traditional WIMP interfaces.
(See the Byte Feb. 1991 article on Xerox PARC's Information
Visualizer.)  In general, I stole basic concepts from various
computer science areas and mashed them together.

The system and language are called '5D': 3D graphics + 
Time, The Fourth Dimension + sound and kinetic inputs counted
as one dimension.  5D is a simulation system for describing
VR scenes and the real-time interaction available to the user.

This posting has been delayed for a few months because I finally
learned about the object-oriented paradigm, and decided to
add OO to 5D.  5D is essentially a dataflow specification language
using object-oriented rule-rewriting.

The first and second articles are the introduction, general overview,
an in-depth technical review, speculations on an implementation for a
uniprocessor + frame buffer architecture, and general thoughts on a
pleasant software development environment.

The third article details the built-in primitive classes available
to 5D authors.

The fourth article includes sample bits of code, which will
probably illuminate various puzzling sections of the text.

I would like anyone who can decipher this document to mail me their
impressions, criticisms, and wish lists.  In particular, experienced
parallel and object-oriented software folks are heartily to critique
those somewhat unformed aspects of 5D.


Lance Norskog