[sci.virtual-worlds] Powerglove w/ 68HC11 EVB

ifat423@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (yo'man) (04/12/91)

does anyone know about the mechanics of getting a power glove to
interface w/ a 68HC11 EVB (the $68 evalution board).  Our toy'r'us
is selling the gloves for $50, and my EVB is collecting dust at the
moment, so it could be a good match.  Any help - i know nothing about
the powergloves mechanics but here's a list of the 6811's capabilities:

serial ports
8 A/D's (8 bit)
COP watchdog timer
Multiplication and Division in the instruction set.

eight bit architecture.

that's all i can remeber off the top of my head......
(oh, it also has a built in EEPROM and 16 bit timer system)

thanks alot.

Andrew Wheeler

pepke@SCRI1.SCRI.FSU.EDU (Eric Pepke) (04/15/91)

The 68HC11 is probably a good chip to interface to the Power Glove.  I am 
using the obscolescent 86705S3.  It has less powere than the 68HC11, but 
it has several timers, which I am hoping will provide the 50 KHz for the 
transmitters as well as simplify the timing of the pulse reception.  If I 
were to start all over again, I probably would go for the 68HC11.

Eric Pepke                                    INTERNET: pepke@gw.scri.fsu.edu
Supercomputer Computations Research Institute MFENET:   pepke@fsu
Florida State University                      SPAN:     scri::pepke
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4052                    BITNET:   pepke@fsu

Disclaimer: My employers seldom even LISTEN to my opinions.
Meta-disclaimer: Any society that needs disclaimers has too many lawyers.

pepke@SCRI1.SCRI.FSU.EDU (Eric Pepke) (04/17/91)

I have recieved this via mail by somebody who is having trouble posting, 
and I told him I would pass it along.  I have already sent him my Power 
Glove info.

I apologised for asking for these info which probably have
been posted recently, but I just found out that as a student I
can get the 68HC11 EVB kit for $68!  Before that, I wasn't paying
much attention (though I browse thru most of them) to the
discussions because I thought the 68HC11 was some expensive and
hard-to-find thing, so on and so fore.

Could any (and every) one please email all the materials you
have on the interfacing and how to get the Powerglove to
do all the neat stuff.  Hopefully, with 68HC11 it can
do the high-resolution stuff too!

Thanks in advance.

E. Teng Ong (ong@d.cs.okstate.edu)

Eric Pepke                                    INTERNET: pepke@gw.scri.fsu.edu
Supercomputer Computations Research Institute MFENET:   pepke@fsu
Florida State University                      SPAN:     scri::pepke
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4052                    BITNET:   pepke@fsu

Disclaimer: My employers seldom even LISTEN to my opinions.
Meta-disclaimer: Any society that needs disclaimers has too many lawyers.

swilliam@a101.even.ge.com (U-E99999-Stephen Williams) (04/19/91)

In <1991Apr16.210307.26361@milton.u.washington.edu> pepke@SCRI1.SCRI.FSU.EDU (Er
ic Pepke) writes:

>Could any (and every) one please email all the materials you
>have on the interfacing and how to get the Powerglove to
>do all the neat stuff.  Hopefully, with 68HC11 it can
>do the high-resolution stuff too!

>Thanks in advance.

>E. Teng Ong (ong@d.cs.okstate.edu)

Please do the same for me!

By the way, the 68HC811 is the nicest model and costs $20 quantity 1
from Hamilton-Avnet.

the 811 has 2K of EEPROM and 800 bytes of ram.  It has a bootstrap
mode that loads a program on the serial line and executes it.

This means no development system other than a PC is needed!

Trying right now to find the cheapest way to add ram to the thing.


Stephen D. Williams     SDW Systems (513) 439-5428   GE AEG (513) 552-5237
ICBM: 39 34N 85 15W     Internet: swilliam@a101.even.ge.com CIS 76244,210
sdwsys!sdw@valhalla.cs.wright.edu  {}!wright!sdwsys!sdw Prodigy   TPGR01A
Object Oriented R&D     By Horse: 10028 Village Tree Ct., Miamisburg, OH 45342

ifat423@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (yo'man) (04/22/91)

>>Could any (and every) one please email all the materials you
>>have on the interfacing and how to get the Powerglove to
>>do all the neat stuff.  Hopefully, with 68HC11 it can
>>do the high-resolution stuff too!
>>Thanks in advance.
>>E. Teng Ong (ong@d.cs.okstate.edu)
>Please do the same for me!
{reference made to 68HC11}
>Trying right now to find the cheapest way to add ram to the thing.

for those of you who have sent me mail about the EVB, I will give
you a quick run-down on it
's perks:

- RS-232 (422 compatible) terminal port, for debugging, etc.
- RS-232 host port, for real-time use, and for down/uploading code/data.
- built in monitor, assembler, debugger, etc. firmware.
- 9600 baud, max speed
- transparent mode, to connect host and terminal port (for single PC use)
- full HC11 pinout to edge-connector in-circuit evaluation.
- external ram/rom socket (where you could plug in your external ram chip
  which you could later transfer on-glove)
- and most importantly, $68!       

the 68HC11 has quite a few good qualities which seem to make it adequate
for powerglove interfaceing:

- 16 bit timer  
- COP watchdog timer
- Pulse accumulater - this could be real handy
- 2 mhz. clock speed (i believe that they even have one up to 4 mhz., now)
- 4-8 A/D's (8 bit)
- SCI, and SPI interfaces
- built in EEPROM, and RAM

for those concerncerned, Motorola also offers a contest, for students, on   
employing the EVB - to winner gets a Mac II and laserprinter.

I hope to get a glove hooked up to the EVB sometime soon.  when I do, i will
post all my glue logic, schematic, etc.  

Andrew Wheeler