[sci.virtual-worlds] Horizon Program Monday 29th April.

harry@harlqn.co.uk (Harry Fearnhamm) (04/23/91)

BBC's Horizon program is doing a feature on the abovementioned day.
Buzzwords mentioned included `Virtual Reality' and `Cyberspace'.  For
those who don't know, Horizon is a science documentary series of many
years standing, and with few exceptions (notably the debunking of
fringe beliefs), I have always considered it at the top of its league.

   Harry Fearnhamm, ,---.'\   EMAIL: loki@harlqn.co.uk
    Harlequin Ltd, (, /@ )/          ...!ukc!cam-cl!harlqn!loki
   Barrington Hall,  /( _/ ')   VOX: +44 (0)223 872522
     Barrington,     \,`---'    FAX: +44 (0)223 872519
   Cambridgeshire,       DISCLAIMER: Nothing is True.
      ENGLAND.                       Everything is Permitted.