hlab@milton.u.washington.edu (Human Int. Technology Lab) (04/24/91)
Reposted from Bitnet's Humanist list: ======================================================================== 176 Date: Tue, 23 Apr 91 21:31:30 EDT Sender: "HUMANIST: Humanities Computing" <HUMANIST@BROWNVM.BITNET> Subject: 4.1271 Confs: Pictorial Arts & Info Tech; EDUCOM/EUIT (3/306) Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 1271. Tuesday, 23 Apr 1991. (1) Date: 23 April 91, 09:41:05 EMT (115 lines) From: Knut Hofland +47 5 212954/55/56 FAFKH at NOBERGEN Subject: Conference:THE DIGITAL IMAGE; Pictorial Arts and Info. Tech. (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 23 April 91, 09:41:05 EMT From: Knut Hofland +47 5 212954/55/56 FAFKH at NOBERGEN Subject: Conference:THE DIGITAL IMAGE; Pictorial Arts and Info. Tech. THE DIGITAL IMAGE: Pictorial Arts and Information Technology Conference at Bergen Airport Hotel 17-19 October 1991. This conference will be arranged by the Department of Art History, University of Bergen, the Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities, and IBM Bergen Scientific Centre. In the course of the last decennium the development of information technology has provided possibilities for storage, analysis and presentation of stills and moving pictures through computer technology. This field is rapidly developing, and the technology is able to meet more and more of the demands for quick and easy access to varied kinds of information. In Norway as well as abroad, there are in progress, or completed, a number of projects concerned with research in and dissemination of art and culture historical topics through the use of modern multimedia technology. The new methods of analysis and presentation are also being employed in the analysis of film and film history. At the conference in Bergen, the technological basis for this type of professional humanist work will be presented through speeches and demonstrations. Researchers from some of the leading international institutions will present their projects, and there will be presentations of the R&D being carried out in this field in Norway. Among the speakers are: Dag Bergmann, Project Docim, Dept. of Egyptology, Uppsala University, Sweden Ching-chih Chen, Simmons College, Boston, U.S.A. Gunnar Danbolt, Department of Art History, University of Bergen Rune Espelid, IBM Bergen Scientific Centre Wim Jansen, The Open University, The Netherlands Britt Kroepelien, Department of Art History, University of Bergen Christian Lahanier, Directorate of French museums, Paris Kirk Martinez, Birkbeck College, University of London Mario Milazzo, Institute of Physics, University of Milan Espen S. Ore, Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities, Bergen Representative of the IBM Hawthorn Laboratory, New York Susan Stedman, Museum Education Consortium, New York Bj|rn S|renssen, Dept. of Drama, Film and Theatre, University of Trondheim Among the demonstrations at the conference: - Project Emperor I (on the First Emperor of China and his terracotta warriors and horses) - Perseus (Classical Greek literature and archeology) - The Museum Education Consortium Hypermedia Project (Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Art) - The Dutch Open University Visual Arts Project (teaching art history) - Hypermedia project of Egyptian cultural history - Interactive video in film analysis - Use of infrared radiation in examination of paintings - The EEC Project Narcisse (a scientific picture databank of works of art in European museums - The EEC Vasari project (high resolution digital picture analysis) - FotoMac - hypermedia photo archive - Hypermedia in use at the Edvard Munch Museum - Digitalization in style research, by IBM Bergen Scientific Centre and the Department of Art History, University of Bergen - The Brandywine Project (pictorial database over the artist Andrew Wyeth) - Italian art and culture historical projects. A number of video discs, CD-ROMs etc. containing art historical pictures and photographic material from various countries will also be shown at the conference. The conference will be of interest to: * Staff and students of - art and culture history - film, drama and theater - media studies * Museum personnel, library and documentation staffs * Milieus concerned with pedagogical applications of new media * Publishers and printers * Milieus concerned with the development of information technology About the conference: The conference starts on Thursday 17 October 1:00 pm., and ends on Saturday 19 October 1:00 pm. It will take place at Bergen Airport Hotel, Kokstadveien 3 - five minutes by car from Bergen Airport, Flesland. There will be a direct bus service from the center of Bergen every day. Conference fee: NOK 900 for staff of academic organisations NOK 500 for students NOK 1500 for others Included in the conference fee is a dinner at the medieval assembly halls of Sch|tstuene in the city of Bergen, on 18 October. Hotell rates: NOK 1780 (single room, full pension) NOK 1500 (double room, full pension) NOK 170 (lunch at the arrival) Final registration date is 20 August. With cancellations before 1 October we refund 50% of the registration fee. Cancellations after 1 October are not entitled to any refund. Information about the conference can be obtained from: EITHER: The Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities P.O. Box 53, Universitetet, N-5027 Bergen, Norway Tel. + 47 (05) 21 29 54/55/56 Telefax + 47 (05) 32 26 56 e-mail: imageconf-91@navf-edb-h.uib.no (attn.: Kari S|rstr|mmen or Kjell Morland) OR: Britt Kroepelien, H|yteknologisenteret in Bergen, tel. + 47 (05) 54 42 28. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elliott Parker BITNET: 3ZLUFUR@CMUVM Journalism Dept. Internet: eparker@well.sf.ca.us Central Michigan University Compuserve: 70701,520 Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 USA From cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu Wed Apr 24 09:27:58 1991 Received: from ames.arc.nasa.gov by milton.u.washington.edu (5.61/UW-NDC Revision: 2.1 ) id AA24020; Wed, 24 Apr 91 09:27:45 -0700 Received: from milton.u.washington.edu by ames.arc.nasa.gov (5.64/1.2); Wed, 24 Apr 91 09:26:55 -0700 Received: by milton.u.washington.edu (5.61/UW-NDC Revision: 2.1 ) id AA23330; Wed, 24 Apr 91 09:26:30 -0700 Newsgroups: sci.virtual-worlds Path: cyberoid From: cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) Subject: womens Message-Id: <1991Apr24.162554.23174@milton.u.washington.edu> Organization: Human Interface Technology Lab, Univ. of Wash., Seattle Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1991 16:25:54 GMT Apparently-To: sci-virtual-worlds@ames.arc.nasa.gov Status: R Newsgroups: sci.virtual-worlds Subject: Call for Papers: Women's Studies and Computing Date: Fri, 12 Apr 91 11:52:59 EDT Message-Id: <17113.671471579@PROOF.ERGO.CS.CMU.EDU> From: Benjamin.Pierce@PROOF.ERGO.CS.CMU.EDU [forwarded from HUMANIST, via Ken Goodman]: Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 16:51:33 CDT [from]: "Rosanne G. Potter" <S1.RGP@ISUMVS> Subject: Call for Papers: Women's Studies and Computing WOMEN'S STUDIES AND COMPUTING The Clarendon Press (Oxford) plans to issue its first special- topics version of The Humanities Computing Yearbook in 1993. As editor of that collection, I can announce that HCY:3 will be devoted to reports on the use of Computing in the inter- disciplinary field of Women's Studies. My first editorial goal is to gather information about applications of computer technology to the diverse issues faced by scholars in Women's Studies. My second goal is to assign experienced researchers in each of the disciplines to write review essays on the best work in that field. I anticipate essays on Anthropology, Art, Education, History, Literature (in several languages), Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Sociology and . . . (open to other suggestions) To achieve these ends, I request that computing scholars active in Women's Studies PLEASE SEND OFF-PRINTS of the essays they have about research that relied on computational technology. (These need not specifically refer to computers). If the computing connection is not emphasized in the essay, please include a short description of reasons for using computers, and a statement of gains and/or losses realized because of the choice.I am also interested in essays submitted for publication, and statements about work in progress. I plan to choose review-essay writers from those who send their work for inclusion in the collection. There will also be room for essay-length reports on especially important projects. Jargon neither necessary nor encouraged. Clear, non-technical writing sought, especially from anyone who wishes to propose herself as a review-essay writer. PLEASE PASS THIS CALL FOR OFFPRINTS AND REVIEWERS ON: to those whose work should be recognized in this field-defining collection of reports on Women's Studies and Computing. Send offprints, descriptions of research, letters of inquiry, etc. to: Rosanne G. Potter, Chair Women's Studies Program 247 Ross Hall Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011 Deadline for First Draft Submissions: June 1, 1991 --