[sci.virtual-worlds] Call for Papers: Women's Studies and Computing

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (04/24/91)

[forwarded from HUMANIST, via Ken Goodman]:

Date:      Wed, 10 Apr 91 16:51:33 CDT
[from]:    "Rosanne G. Potter" <S1.RGP@ISUMVS>
Subject:   Call for Papers: Women's Studies and Computing


The Clarendon Press (Oxford) plans to issue its first special-
topics version of The Humanities Computing Yearbook in 1993. As
editor of that collection, I can announce that HCY:3 will be
devoted to reports on the use of Computing in the inter-
disciplinary field of Women's Studies.

My first editorial goal is to gather information about
applications of computer technology to the diverse issues faced
by scholars in Women's Studies.  My second goal is to assign
experienced researchers in each of the disciplines to write
review essays on the best work in that field.  I anticipate
essays on Anthropology, Art, Education, History, Literature (in
several languages), Music, Philosophy, Political Science,
Psychology, Religion, Sociology and . . . (open to other

To achieve these ends, I request that computing scholars active
in Women's Studies PLEASE SEND OFF-PRINTS of the essays they have
about research that relied on computational technology. (These
need not specifically refer to computers).  If the computing
connection is not emphasized in the essay, please include a short
description of reasons for using computers, and a statement of
gains and/or losses realized because of the choice.I am also
interested in essays submitted for publication, and statements
about work in progress. I plan to choose review-essay writers
from those who send their work for inclusion in the collection.
There will also be room for essay-length reports on especially
important projects.

Jargon neither necessary nor encouraged.  Clear, non-technical
writing sought, especially from anyone who wishes to propose
herself as a review-essay writer.

whose work should be recognized in this field-defining collection
of reports on Women's Studies and Computing.

Send offprints, descriptions of research, letters of inquiry,
etc. to:

          Rosanne G. Potter, Chair
           Women's Studies Program
               247 Ross Hall
           Iowa State University
              Ames, Iowa 50011

Deadline for First Draft Submissions:  June 1, 1991
