(Will Overington) (04/25/91)
I am interested in the use of virtual reality in order to develop a useful user interface for various ideas of mine which have developed over many years. Last year, I did quite a lot of work on developing a piece of software which I called comet and I enclose some of the built in notes for the system, which hopefully will give an overview of the ideas behind the system. I have noticed recent items in sci.virtual-worlds from people interested in architecture and so on, so I thought that perhaps people might like to read about my ideas and perhaps, who knows, those interested in architecture might like to think about how it could all be realized using virtual world technology. This is the text file version of the text that appears when using the comet environment in response to using the command office and the command ask subsequently. Welcome to the office of the COMET environment. The office facility in this piece of software is intended for the use of anyone who would like to contribute some 1456 software or a file describing translation to the machine code of some microprocessor. If you are simply trying to use the comet environment with whatever files happen to have been supplied along with it, then you do not need to use the office. Telesoftware is the invention that produces a remote access interactive computer system by means of the unidirectional cyclic broadcasting of software. No telephone line nor any return information link is needed to the central broadcasting computer. W. J. G. Overington has devised an Opportunity Creating Infrastructure for Telesoftware to contain his ideas for the way that he would like to see his invention used. The aim is to be able to provide fee-free education by distance teaching methods around the world. The idea is that software would be repetitively broadcast on some of the teletext lines of various direct broadcast satellite channels. The idea is that the software would be provided, written in 1456 object code, or in languages where there is also broadcast a compiler for that language itself written in 1456 object code, by those users of the system that were able and willing to do so. It is envisaged that the software would be marshalled together by a specially formed incorporated company and that that company would pay for the broadcasting time used. The company would gain advertising revenue from selling up to ten per cent of the space in the telesoftware service for the carrying of advertisements, such as video game programs to find various varieties of a manufacturers products in a maze, adventures with various products being mentioned, and so on. Only acceptable products would be advertisable on this service. The idea is that all educational software submitted to the company would be accepted for broadcasting. A person submitting software to the company would be issued with a token, a sort of trading stamp issued by the company. Of the money earned by the company, some would be used to provide merchandise to collectors of the tokens. The exchange rate of tokens to real world money would be able to float to its own level so that there would never be any question of only a given quota of software being accepted from software authors. The company would be first and foremost an educational facility. The redemption merchandise would include educational materials, such as textbooks and so on. The magic ingredient of the idea is that one of the items offered would be a share in the company itself. This would be the only way for a share to be issued, except for literally but a few shares issued directly for money in order that the company could actually have officers to start off. These would only go to people who had already deposited some software. This is a far off dream, and may, in fact, remain but a dream. Who knows? Over the last few years I have, from time to time, as a leisure activity been writing a sort of science fiction book, though I would like to think that it would be regarded as a piece of literature in the utopian tradition. Two young men from the city of Florence visit a fictional, small city state in Italy as part of their studies. The story is set in the autumn of the year 1456 and during their visit they find out about a new invention recently brought from Mainz in Germany. It is a printing press. Later they go through a time warp and are just over 540 years into the future where they visit the Telesoftware Institute, which is a somewhat idealized version of the possible company mentioned above. Both the fictional city state and the Telesoftware Institute are characterized by tokens that are only of value in dealings with the fictional issuer, and the relation to real world money of the tokens is explored. Certainly, I am hoping that my fictional work will influence the real world. Only time will tell. However, this software is being distributed around the world on floppy discs and if anyone would like to send some 1456 software to me I will marshall what I get up into, hopefully, a number of library discs. There is no specially formed company, no tokens, no redemption merchanise, no shares. But there is the adventure of it all! ---- Supplementary note, not built into the comet system. In August and September 1990 I extended the concept of the book to describe a concept, for which I have coined the word teleutopia, that I propose might have been used as a staging point in the establishment of the fictional Telesoftware Institute, which lies somewhere "in the near future". It is, in reality, a way that I am developing as a practical method of moving forward from the existing real world situation towards a real life implementation of my ideas for a Telesoftware Institute. It may not work, but I feel that it is worth a try. A new concept in forming large software systems and its possible application to virtual reality research. I am developing a concept for which I have coined the word teleutopia, that is "tel" plus "eutopia", (and thus pronounced with five syllables, tel-eu-top-i-a, phonetically tel-yoo-tope- ee-uh). I envisage a teleutopia as using the existing shareware and the like mechanisms for distribution of software, but whereas the software in any one "package" of shareware, is, if I understand it correctly, usually written by one person or a group of people working together at the same company, educational institute or computer club, with a teleutopia the "package" is formed by a gradual aggregation of files prepared by individuals all over the world to quite detailed specifications. The specification would, for any given teleutopia, be devised by the person who originated that particular teleutopia. I am not envisaging collections as general as "collections of pascal programs" being aggregated together as teleutopiaware, but items far more specific, such as, as a simple example, a videotex system for PCs forming the starting point for a teleutopia and designs for character sets, be they roman, greek, hebrew &c being in the files that people around the world send in. This is only a simple example, I feel that the concept of teleutopias could have far reaching effects in the fields of knowledge bases and open systems. Each teleutopia would then have a possibly lengthy document specifying how contributions should be prepared. Naturally, systems would need to have scope to evolve, rather than being locked in for years to a specification document that had become obsolescent. I am researching methods as to how such teleutopian knowledge bases could be restructured as items gradually aggregated to the teleutopia. I am also looking at the legal matters. Being also interested in virtual reality systems, and wishing to work in applying virtual worlds technology to produce new ways of presenting and analyzing knowledge, I am wondering whether an initial attempt to see if a teleutopia is a workable proposition might be tried in this field, using a sort of virtual reality, just on a regular PC, without a helmet or goggles, as the way to help one select what one wants from the knowledge base. That is, the items in the knowledge base would be items of use to virtual reality researchers. It seems to me that as well as software, it might be possible to gradually aggregate data files of objects of many kinds into such a knowledge base. I feel that, although this approach may well, in principle, reduce the unnecessary repetion of coding up various objects by each research group, the practical effect will be that each group will have available many more types of object than if each group were having to prepare all its own data files. An added bonus would be that people could refer to such objects in communications, both over the net, on the telephone, in print, and others wishing to try out their results for themselves would be able to get copies of the objects from the teleutopian knowledge base, a copy of which they might already have. +-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+ Will Overington Department of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering, Coventry Polytechnic, Priory Street, Coventry CV1 5FB, England. +-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+ Putting forward new ideas is like being a quarterback. First of all you will loose a few yards by even starting the play. Then there will be people trying to put you down. Sometimes it's best to hand the football to someone who is better at running, sometimes it's best to forward pass in a controlled, planned way, but at times, the only thing to do is just hurl it up in the air in a long forward pass attempt, and hope that someone out there catches it and RUNS! +-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+ Supplementary document on 1456 object code, in case anyone is interested. This document provides an introduction to writing software in 1456 object code. An interesting feature of 1456 object code is that the actual codes used as input to the comet program are the normal way of writing 1456 object code. That is, although there is an assembler equivalent, it is not regarded as the main way of writing 1456 object code, as 1456 object code is designed for ease of being directly written. Consider the following assembler style language program. It is not for any particular processor, but, if you have used assemblers, you will probably recognize the general flavour of a label field, which may be left empty, an operation code field and a parameter field, which may or may not have anything in it, depending upon the particular operation code. START LOAD #3 ADD #2 STORE ALPHA HALT ALPHA DATA 0 For the avoidance of doubt, this program loads the immediate data of value 3 into a register called 1456A, adds the immediate data of value 2, stores the result in the data storage unit at the label ALPHA and then halts. Consider now rewriting the program so that there is not a separate label field, but that instead there is a pseudo- operation called LABEL, that generates no code, but merely informs us where the label is located. LABEL START LOAD #3 ADD #2 STORE ALPHA HALT LABEL ALPHA DATA 0 Consider now using numbers instead of names for labels. The program can now be written as below. LABEL 1 LOAD #3 ADD #2 STORE 2 HALT LABEL 2 DATA 0 In most, possibly all, microprocessor assembly languages that I have studied, the operation codes for LOAD IMMEDIATE and LOAD FROM MEMORY are different, but which of these operation codes is used in assembling any given use of a LOAD instruction is determined by examining the parameter field, not the LOAD instruction itself. For example, LOAD #$40 and LOAD $40 respectively, and not, say, LOAD# $40 and LOADM $40 In 1456 object code, each operation code is either one letter, or two characters, the first of which is ! (in speech "super"). There are 100 operation codes available, namely, A .. N, P .. Z, a .. k, m .. z, !A .. !N, !P .. !Z, !a .. !k, !m .. !z The letters uppercase O and lowercase l are omitted in order to avoid confusion between uppercase O and the figure 0 and between lowercase l and figure 1. The LOAD IMMEDIATE is w in 1456 object code and the LOAD FROM MEMORY is W with the argument being a label number, in octal. In 1456 object code there is also what I call software punctuation. These are items that in an assembler language would be called pseudo-operation codes. This software punctuation consists of label identification, generation of data spaces and so on. So we may convert our example to something approaching 1456 object code, though as we shall see, there are a few extra steps yet. : 1 w 3 p 2 S 2 H : 2 / 0 In order to avoid, when assembling the above, having to look beyond the length of the last digit in the parameter, because one does not know that it is the last digit of the parameter until one has already looked beyond it, the order of the operation code and its parameter, if any, are reversed. This means that a parameter, which must be a number, in octal, is ended by the operation code that uses that parameter. We thus have the following. 1 : 3 w 2 p 2 S H 2 : 0 / We also convert all numbers to being in octal format, though, as the numbers in this example are all of value less than 8, there is not any observable difference in doing that here. A space character and a return character have no significance in the code thus produced, so it is perfectly acceptable to place it in free format on as few or as many lines as is desired. We need to add an = sign, to signify that that is the end of the program, and we could then have, 1:3w2p2SH2:0/= but that is somewhat confusing to a human, so it is conventional to separate each operation by a space character, though it is usual to omit the space after a : symbol, so as to reinforce the fact that the : is but a label and is not assembled to give output code of itself. 1:3w 2p 2S H 2:0/ = In the above example, note that the figure 2 appears three times. In the first usage it is immediate data, because p uses it as immediate data; in the second usage it is the use of a label address, because S uses it as a label address; in the third usage it is the definition of label 2, because : is used to define a label. Comments can be included in 1456 object code between a * character and a ; character. MODULES IN 1456 OBJECT CODE The 1456 object code system supports separate compilation of modules in a program. This is performed by using a + character to signify the end of the module. Compilation of a 1456 object code program is by two pass assembly. When a module is separately compiled, both passes of that module are performed before the first pass of the next module is started. This means that any label address may be used locally within two or more different modules without conflict. Only label addresses that need to be referenced from outside the module need be chosen to avoid conflict. A practice that is used is that label addresses in the range 1 to 77 octal may be freely used as local labels within a module and that higher numbers are allocated to external entry points to modules. Labels in the range 100 to 177 octal are for your own module library. -- (Will Overington) (04/26/91)
Actually, I was thinking last night, and have come in this morning with the intention, of actually trying to get something going along the lines of a Teleutopia Of Virtual Reality Objects and working out how I should do it. My initial thoughts are for triple coordinates from 0 to 999999999 in each direction, that is, a nice round number of points compatible with easy, don't worry about a sign bit, numbers that can fit within a 32 bit word; in particular within a pascal longint type. This huge data size will enable one to build up detailed objects by scaling and adding. For example, a renaissance villa could have fancy column capitals added onto the top of each column by scaling down a design for a column capital and adding in copies translated to various locations, and so on. In my research projects on the restructuring of knowledge bases I have devised a system whereby software and data can be entwined together by using a language based on a language (alcor) that I designed a few years ago, which was itself based on forth. The method is that each software word starts with a triple letter, for example zzzif zzzthen zzzelseif and so on. The zzz words are fixed in the language, but fff words are user defined for fields within a relational database structure, for example fffquantity. This means that field lengths do not need to be fixed. I have it in mind to extend this concept for the files for the objects, using vvv as the triple key and words like vvvx vvvy vvvz and so on. This will give scope for files to be built that could be treated almost as data files by fairly simple software, yet be obeyed by something a bit more powerful. For example, commands such as vvvfill and so on, whatever that is defined as meaning when I think it out fully. :-) Incidentally, while writing, can I mention a few other points. I have not read all of each of the items, but on the matter of floating point numbers being needed or used for rotating objects in space, I was reminded that a lot of early forth stuff avoided floating point operations and instead preferred to do things like integer multiply by an integer and then integer divide by some large number. Could this be an approach for virtual reality systems, bearing in mind that eventually one needs to end up with integers in order to light up pixels, no matter how detailed a display system one has available. Perhaps things like taking care to avoid accumulating rounding errors need to be taken into account, whether using integers or floating point, for example, if one rotates 40 degrees and then wishes to rotate 25 degrees further on, maybe one should go back to the original and rotate that 65 degrees, rather than rotating the already rotated design a further 25 degrees. I am hoping that, if I can get this teleutopia going, then it will attract not only everyday objects but also will be treated as a medium for original art. There could be designing something on paper and putting it into the required format, but there could also be the concept of the person who wrote in sci.virtual-worlds of working using a helmet to create an object in some virtual material. Did that person suggest, or did I imagine, this as a sort of fluorescent green weightless clay. I am wondering, should someone be able to create a piece of art in this way, how it could be saved into a machine readable form so that it could be sent over the net and someone elsewhere be able to have a copy of the art object. Will Overington +-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+ Putting forward new ideas is like being a quarterback. First of all you will loose a few yards by even starting the play. Then there will be people trying to put you down. Sometimes it's best to hand the football to someone who is better at running, sometimes it's best to forward pass in a controlled, planned way, but at times, the only thing to do is just hurl it up in the air in a long forward pass attempt, and hope that someone out there catches it and RUNS! +-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+ -- (lance.norskog) (04/27/91)
About the information publishing part: publishing data to subscribers and getting paid will involve some level of encryption technology. This is available today, and if you believe people in sci.crypt, it's trustworthy. The comm broadcast portion is called UseNet and has already been debugged, mostly. A production version of UseNet would not require a trained hacker at each node. It's close, but it's not there yet. There are a few other interesting protocols in this area: IRC, for example, is a worldwide Internet CB-style chat program (quite a trick). About the 1456 part: performance doesn't matter in software. Functionality matters. Programmers are more productive in languages higher-level language than 1456. Also, the more abstract the language, the smaller the code (usually). This is a big win for broadcasting programs on any comm line with less bandwidth than fiber optic. The current wave in making cheaper faster computing is RISC, and picking a CISC object code would have been a bad idea. The next wave will be parallel (2-16 processor) computing. A "dissemination" language should be carefully designed for efficient parallel execution, and the programmer's monoprocessor workstation should include a parallel simulator to ensure that software will work well on a subscriber's parallel machine. Lance Norskog