[sci.virtual-worlds] First-Year Archives Now Available on Disk

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (04/29/91)

Through the hard work of co-moderator Mark De Loura, the first year of
postings to sci.virtual-worlds is now available on disk.  The four-disk
set is in Macintosh format but is in ASCII and can be easily converted to
DOS.  You may order a set of these disks, which cover February 1991 to
March 1991, for the price of $35.00, which covers the cost of disks,
duplication, and postage.  (Foreign orders, add $5.00.)  

Any extra funds generated by orders will be put in a kitty so that sci.
virtual-worlds can eventually hire a librarian to further improve the

Send a check or money order in the amount of $35.00, made out to 
"Washington Technology Center/HIT Lab," and annotated, "sci.virtual-
worlds," to:

        Bob Jacobson, Moderator
        Human Interface Technology Laboratory
        Washington Technology Center, FU-20
        c/o University of Washington
        Seattle, WA 98195   USA

Shipment is as we can get to it, so please be patient.  Give us at
least three weeks to process your order; we'll try to be more prompt
if possible.  Foreign orders will go by air but may take longer.

Remember, these archives remain available on milton.u.washington.edu
for your own downloading from the directory, /public/virtual-worlds/
postings  .  There is no charge for this service.

Thanks for your interest.

Bob Jacobson