[sci.virtual-worlds] Power Glove: Expanding the coordinate system

galt@dsd.es.com (Greg Alt - Perp) (04/30/91)

I went out and bought a power glove for $49 this weekend, and I plan on 
connecting it to my PC using the article in BYTE (July 1990 page 288).  
It looks VERY easy, but it will only return up/down/left/right/4-buttons.  
If anyone has the source code that is mentioned in the article (the 
full TSR) please email it to me.
A while ago, someone asked how to get x,y,z from the Power Glove.  If 
you can get the 3 distances, here's how to get x,y,z:
      R1(0,1,0)      R2(1,1,0)
         (0,0,0)      O R3(1,0,0)

r1=distance from glove to R1
r2=distance from glove to R2
r3=distance from glove to R3

using the 3 equations:
   r1^2 =  X^2    + (y-1)^2 + Z^2
   r2^2 = (X-1)^2 + (y-1)^2 + Z^2
   r3^2 = (X-1)^2 +  Y^2    + Z^2

subtract r2^2 from r1^2 and r3^2 and you end up with:
   X = (r1^2 - r2^2 + 1) / 2
   Y = (r3^2 - r2^2 + 1) / 2

then, take these values and plug them in this equation to get Z:
   Z = square_root[r2^2 - (X-1)^2 - (Y-1)^2]


Does anyone know what data is sent out of the 9-pin connector from the glove?
is it possible to get the full position and finger information without cutting
the wires between the knuckle box and the wrist box on the glove?