[sci.virtual-worlds] Glove-Talk

cdshaw@cs.ualberta.ca (Chris Shaw) (05/01/91)

With respect to the Sign Language application, here's some recycled
articles from sci.virtual-worlds. Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! ;-)}

<article 1>
Date: 24 Jan 91 22:06:19 GMT
>Building Adaptative Interfaces with Neural Networks: the
>Glove-Talk Pilot Study
>Sidney S. Fels
>Technical Report CRG-TR-90-1
>February 1990
>/ Arnaud Gourdol.      // On the Netland :        Gourdol@imag.fr  /

You might also check the proceedings of the Interact'90 conference
(Published by Elsevier, 1990).  Sidney demonstrated their system at the
conference, and I believe has a paper in the proceedings. (I don't have my
copy here - it's at home).

Bill Hefley                             weh@sei.cmu.edu
Software Eningeering Institute

<article 2>
Thu Oct  4 18:25:54 MDT 1990
From: D. Jenkins (jenkins@prcs3.decnet.philips.be)

2.  Uses for Datagloves
[From: 'Computer Guardian' in 'The Guardian' September 27th.]
Apparently a system called 'Glove-Talk' was discussed at the Human-Computer
Interaction conference held in Cambridge during August.

The system uses a VPL Dataglove to convert sign language into synthesised
speech.  Neural network software is used to decipher gestures. The system
has a vocabulary of 203 words based on 66 core words of American Sign 
Language.  It is said that it 'almost works in real-time', with a response
in under 50ms for each gesture.

The developer is Dr Sidney Fels of the University of Toronto. 

So, it seems there's been something in the can that does this for at least
a year.
Chris Shaw     University of Alberta
cdshaw@cs.UAlberta.ca           Now with new, minty Internet flavour!
CatchPhrase: Bogus as HELL !