cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Bob Jacobson) (05/01/91)

The sci.virtual-worlds archives are now available on disk.

A complete set of seven disks, nicely formatted by quarters of the first
year of postings, can be purchased from the HIT Lab for $40.00; foreign
orders should add $5.00 for additional airmail postage.  The disks are
in Macintosh format.  The ASCII files can be easily translated into DOS
format.  The disks cover February 1990 through March 1991.  Additional
months will be added as they are completed.

Orders, accompanied by a check or money order in U.S. funds, should be
sent to:

        Bob Jacobson
        Moderator, sci.virtual-worlds
        Human Interface Technology Laboratory
        Washington Technology Center, FJ-15
        c/o University of Washington
        Seattle, WA 98195  USA

Please allow three weeks for processing and delivery.

The sci.virtual-worlds archives are still available for downloading,
free of charge, on milton.u.washington.edu in the /public/virtual-worlds/
postings directory.

Thanks to Mark De Loura, co-moderator, for preparing the disk version
of the archives.

Bob Jacobson

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (05/01/91)

The apparent discrepany in price between the offer for the disk
archives of sci.virtual-worlds ($40 instead of $35 domestic, $45 
instead of $40 foreign) is due to the fact that SEVEN, not four,
disks are required to hold the archives in quarterly formatted
form.  I apologize for any confusion on this matter.  Orders
posted before 1 May 1991 will be honored at the originally posted
prices.  Thanks for your understanding.

Bob Jacobson