[sci.virtual-worlds] Survey Article on CSCW by Rob Kling, UC Irvine

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (05/02/91)

From: kling@ics.uci.edu (Rob Kling)
Newsgroups: comp.groupware
Subject: Comments Solicited (long post)
Message-ID: <9104201259.aa19156@ics.uci.edu>
Date: 20 Apr 91 19:59:47 GMT
Lines: 366

I'd appreciate any prompt feedback on this short article which is
to be part of a special issue of CACM focussing on Groupware/CSCW
& which is being edited by Jon Grudin.


 Cooperation and Control in Computer Supported Work

 Rob Kling
 Information and Computer Science
 University of California,
 Irvine, Ca 92717
 Draft 3.0
 April 19, 1991

 Sidebar for a special issue of Communications of the ACM devoted to CSCW.

 A. The Technologies for Computer Supported Cooperative Work

    The term "CSCW" was publicly launched in 1986 as the title of a
    conference jointly sponsored by Xerox-PARC and MCC. Like other important
    computing terms, such as artificial intelligence, it was coined as a
    galvanizing catch-phrase, and later given more substance through a
    lively stream of research. A community of interest formed around the
    research programs and conferences identified with the term and advanced
    prototype systems, studies of their use, key theories, and debates about
    them. CSCW is best characterized as an arena rather than a "field" since
    most of the active participants maintain primary identities in other
    fields, such as human-computer interaction, information systems, and
    social impact studies. Even though most CSCW researchers participate in
    multiple research communities, CSCW offers special excitement: it is a
    term in the making and a way of conceiving of fundamentally new
    possibilities of computer support for work.

    CSCW denotes at least two kind s of things: special products
    (groupware), and a movement by computer scientists who want to provide
    better computer support for people, primarily professionals, to enhance
    the ease of collaborating. The earliest groupware focussed on products
    which were enriched forms of electronic mail or systems to help people
    schedule meetings more efficiently by having access to their colleagues'

    But the CSCW movement (Kling & Iacono, 1988) has rapidly advanced new
    technological visions. Today, a group of professionals can use
    sophisticated text processors, graphics displays, spreadsheets and other
    analytical programs, and software development systems, to develop
    software or a complex report on workstations in their private offices.
    However, if they hold a meeting to discuss their work, their underlying
    technological support is much weaker. When they walk into a typical
    seminar room, they leave their computers behind. They pick up ruled pads
    and meet in rooms which provide, perhaps, whiteboards and and overhead
    projectors. If two or more group members wish to discuss documents or
    programs, they also have to meet face to face in one of their offices if
    they want to use their best computer tools. Today's computer tools are
    designed for one person's work at a time. Even shared systems like
    electronic mail or databases, are based on models of one user at a time
    accessing certain information.

    Some computer scientists feel that the speed and ease of intellectual
    teamwork would be enhanced if computerized systems could provide
    seamless platforms for people to use their best computerized tools
    regardless of the their locations (Ishii and Miyake, this issue). These
    applications would enable people to have the electronic equivalents of
    shared blackboards and notepads, with all the capabilities added by
    computer storage, retrieval, and manipulation, in their private offices
    and in their meeting rooms. Some system designers have gone further
    after noting that communication limited to telephone and computer is
    relatively low bandwidth. They have enhanced their shared computer
    systems with two-way interactive video channels so that participants
    could see each other or documents on each others' desks. Other CSCW
    researchers are interested in providing special software to make
    meetings more effective. These special systems help brainstorm, organize
    agendas, and provide computational support for group decision making
    strategies. Schrage's (1990) vivid book title, Shared Minds, captures
    some of the underlying sensibility, (although "sharing" misses the
    concerns for privacy of information in some systems).

    The slogans of this computer-based social movement help distinguish it
    from other movements: "cooperative work," "shared minds," "seamless
    systems," "collaborative systems," "intellectual teamwork" resonate with
    positive social imagery. Further, the computer scientists who build CSCW
    systems often focus on the fine grained organization of features, the
    design of interfaces, and the way that people could actually use their
    systems (see for example, Ellis, 1990; Kyng, this issue). There is an
    intimate quality to these concerns, with a focus on the practical
    activity of groups. Kyng (this issue), for example, coins the term
    "mutual learning" to denote a relationship of professional parity
    between system designers and system users. One of the striking features
    of the CSCW literature is the way that designers try to be respect the
    ways that people actually organize and use information. There is
    significant attention to the pragmatics of communication and information
    handling -- as in concerns over whether people prefer to point by hand
    or with a mouse. These concerns lead to "usability" being a preeminent
    concern of CSCW application designers.

    In the past five years, participants in the CSCW movement has produced
    numerous prototypes and a few commercial systems. The prototypes have
    served as platforms for interesting technological experiments and for
    some systematic behavioral studies of how people can work while using
    these new  systems (Kraemer and Pinsonneault, 1990). But many groupware
    applications have not taken off  commercially. Much depends upon how one
    counts "groupware applications." Electronic mail has arguably been the
    most successful application, and the CSCW movement would have no
    unarguable successes if participants did not include electronic mail
    (Ellis, et. al., 1991). On the other hand, group calendaring systems,
    which are part of several widely adopted commercial "office automation"
    systems, are rarely used (Bullen and Bennett, 1991).

    But CSCW researchers' ambitions reach far beyond the boundaries of
    communication with discrete messages. Many CSCW system advocates would
    like to transform the way that people work. After all, why invest time
    and money in new technologies, if they don't produce magnificent

 B. Cooperation, Control and CSCW at Work

    Why have CSCW applications been slow to be adopted? The easiest approach
    is to note the newness of the approach, and the limitations and
    clumsiness of the early applications. Any technological movement can
    invoke these "reasons" for the first few years. There is often a huge
    discrepancy between the promises embodied in the movements' images and
    any set of early prototypes and products. Artificial intelligence
    researchers, for example, suggested huge potential benefits long before
    some workable technologies could be commercially exploited (Kling and
    Iacono, 1988).

    I believe that more fundamental social processes provide key insights.
    Social movements are composed of people and groups with differing, but
    overlapping concerns who can advocate some of them with parallel voices.
    The CSCW movement is composed of vendors looking for new markets in which
    to sell computer systems, telecommunications firms which are interested
    in devising enticing applications which can generate new demands for
    their services, computer scientists interested in designing convivial
    technologies, social scientists who are interested in how people work
    with technology. Further, when new technologies are very expensive or
    require many people to use them, upper and middle managers are often the
    primary clients for sales pitches.

    Grudin (1989), for example, examined the use of computerized calendaring
    systems and argued that they best fit the needs and work patterns of
    managers, who were most likely to call meetings. In contrast, the
    professionals who were most likely to be the participants in meetings
    called by managers often did not have comparable secretarial support to
    keep their calendars up to date. The political economy of effort favored
    managers, who were also likely to approve the purchase of systems with
    group calendars. Grudin's analysis is important because he moved from the
    possible uses of group calendars to the actual uses of group calendars in
    "typical" organizations.

    The CSCW movement must enrich its  worldview to better understand the
    real use of CSCW applications. A key dilemma lies in the CSCW movement's
    reliance of positively loaded terms, like "cooperation," and
    "collaboration" to characterize work, and an effective taboo in examining
    conflict, control, coercion and less convivial aspects of social
    relations in work. Virtually all work has a cooperative element. To take
    an extreme case, even prisoners in chain gangs often cooperate in some
    simple ways with their guards in their conduct of daily life. However, if
    their relationships were primarily cooperative, the prisoners would not
    be chained. As Grudin (1989) points out in the case of group calendars,
    most professionals are not so eager to cater to their managers'
    preferences that they will continually inconvenience themselves and lower
    their productivity in order to help their manager's secretary  schedule
    meetings. They are somewhat cooperative, but also somewhat autonomous and
    self-oriented. In practice, many working relationships can be
    multivalent, with various mixes of  cooperation, conflict, conviviality,
    competition, collaboration,  commitment, caution, control, coercion,
    coordination and combat (just to stay with some "c-words").

    Computer scientists who devise CSCW applications are often reluctant to
    examine how they would work out in when social relationships are less
    euphoric than the happy terms, "cooperation and collaboration," denote.
    But social life is rarely so univalent. Professionals and managers are
    often concerned with control, avoiding control, and counter control. It
    is common for professionals to be mildly competitive, even when they have
    long standing collaborations. I suspect that many CSCW designers wish to
    enhance the cooperative elements of worklife, and tend to avoid
    discussions of control and conflict. In addition, some CSCW applications
    have features which can enhance teamwork in new ways under conditions of
    cooperation. Unfortunately, the taboos of giving adequate attention to
    conflict and control at work make the implicit theories in many CSCW
    papers too limited to understand the actual uses of groupware. And
    sometimes it raises overt contradictions between the concepts and the

    One can get some clues to the limits of the "language of possibility"
    used by CSCW designers in examining the ways that authors' examples
    (mis)fit key concepts. For example, Ishii and Miyake, (this issue)
    characterize "groupware" as systems which "supports dynamic collaboration
    in a work group..." The activity on which they demonstrate their
    "Teamworkstation" is an instructional task in which one skilled person
    teaches another how to perform a specific task. They note, without any
    reflexive interpretation, that one of their two instructors simply
    "limited himself to issuing procedures." While the Teamworkstation could
    doubtlessly be used to support social relationships with more give and
    take, this research team focussed on an activity and social relations
    which did not illustrate "dynamic collaboration." The converse situation
    is more common, however. Researchers will often illustrate their CSCW
    systems with groups drawn from universities or industrial labs where
    dynamic give and take is commonplace. Consequently they tend not to
    observe (or report) how issues of status and hierarchy are reflected in
    the use of their groupware prototypes.

    Researchers can create more realistic images of the patterns of likely
    use of their systems if they examine a wide variety of social
    relationships: cooperative, conflictual, collaborative, controlling,
    convivial, competitive, etc. The key concepts advanced by computer
    scientists who develop CSCW, are inadequate for characterizing
    multivalent structured social relationships in workplaces. Ellis, et. al.
    (1991:43), for example, follow Stefik and characterize "the "coordination
    problem" as "the integration and harmonious adjustment of individual work
    efforts towards the accomplishment of a larger goal." "Harmonious
    adjustment" in workplaces involves diverse strategies of social control.
    But the authors' two key concepts, shared contexts and group window,
    don't help us understand how computer systems can play a role in altering
    control patterns in workplaces.

    When computer scientists have studied the key behavior than inhibits
    group performance in real workplaces, they have often found interesting
    phenomena. For example Krasner, Curtis, & Iscoe (1988) studied the
    practices that most significantly impeded large scale software
    development projects. They found a variety of communication problems,
    such as developers not understanding the customer's operating conditions
    which influenced the design team. An software environment which can more
    readily capture, store, and help developers access documents about a
    software project could reduce some of these communication costs:
    discussions of tradeoffs, alternative design ideas, etc. which are often
    primarily in people's heads when the collaborations & communications are
    supported by face to face meetings and telephones (e.g.,
    Burgess-Yakemovic & Conklin, 1990). Such systems may or may not have a
    favorable political economy of effort Grudin (1989), depending upon the
    level of additional effort that designers would have to expend and
    benefits to them, as well to other system developers who work downstream.

    Some designers, however, might have additional reservations about
    providing broad access to rich design discussions, based on the ways that
    rewards, credit and blame are allocated in their organizations. If
    designs don't work out as planned, designers could be subjected to tough
    "Monday morning quarterbacking." Their detailed electronic notes could
    provide strong evidence that they rejected what in retrospect appears as
    "the obvious better design choice" or they had misvalued "obvious"
    tradeoffs. Fear of conflict over possible blame if developments don't
    work well could lead system designers to avoid using this kind of
    groupware to support a software development team's efforts.  Many
    professionals who are attracted to "intellectual teamwork" and "shared
    minds," may balk at groupware which also facilitates "shared blame."
    Would they be irrational?

 C. The Contradictions of Technological Revolutions
    and Social Transformations

    Like advocates of other new computerized technologies, CSCW advocates
    allude to the possibilities of fundamentally transforming important
    social practices and relationships. CSCW researchers explore CSCW's
    special character, and often differentiate CSCW from related kinds of
    technologies: Office Automation and Information Systems. However, CSCW
    researchers are beginning to discover pertinent aspects of organizational
    behavior, such as the dilemmas of altering institutionalized work
    patterns and workplace politics, that information systems researchers
    discovered some time ago (Kling, 1987).

    Unfortunately, computer scientists who are exploring a new technological
    family, such as CSCW, CIM, and expert systems, write as if their new
    technologies can transform organizations in ways that were fundamentally
    impossible with precursor technologies. They often adopt a mode of
    analysis, technological utopianism, which amplifies the possibility of
    valued social changes and underplays the possibilities of little change
    or significant problems as a byproduct of the technology (Dunlop and
    Kling, 1991). These utopian assumptions, which are often implicit and
    relatively modest, makes it hard for researchers, professionals and
    managers to understand the real social opportunities and limitations of
    the new technological family.

    Computerization rarely transforms organizations (Kling, in press).  Many
    CSCW researchers seem ambivalent about this issue. They want the
    excitement of "revolution" without the fear and risks that social
    upheavals bring. Perin (this issue) characterizes the stable elements of
    organizations as "social fields." She astutely notes that organizations
    do not always adopt every technological capability. Her best example is
    the case of telecommuting. A case can be made that tens of millions of
    white collar professionals could be more productive on their tasks that
    require sustained concentration by working outside their normal office
    where they are subject to frequent interruptions. Many of these people
    could productively work at home one or two days a week, perhaps with
    computer and electronic mail support. But aside from a few occupations
    such as college teaching, software development, and freelance journalism,
    relatively few organizations allow their professionals to work at home
    one or two days a week in lieu of reporting to their offices daily. Perin
    argues that managers' interests in controlling their workers biases them
    against supporting significant work at home programs. (Of course, people
    are free to work at home as much as they wish during the evenings and on

    The case of telecommuting is an important example to help us understand
    the opportunities and dilemmas of organizational in the case of new
    technologies. Perin's argument is a bit oversimplified, because some
    organizations, such as universities and research labs, allow some of
    their highest status professionals to telecommute some of the time.
    Perin's theorizing doesn't acknowledge and help us understand important
    social variations. But her article helps us clearly see the ways that new
    computerized technologies are used in workplaces where both cooperation
    and control are fundamental social processes. One cannot understand the
    selective adoption and use of telecommuting, or CSCW, without facing the
    rich multivalent social relationships of workplaces head on.

 D. References

    1. Bullen, Christine  and John Bennett. 1991."Groupware in Practice: An
       Interpretation of Work Experiences." in Charles Dunlop & Rob Kling
       (Eds.) Computerization and Controversy: Value Conflicts and Social
       Choices. Boston, Academic Press.

    2. Burgess-Yakemovic, K.C. and E. Jeffrey Conklin. 1990. Report on a
       Development Project Use of an Issue based Information System. CSCW'90
       Proceedings. (Oct.) pp. 105-118.

    3. Dunlop, Charles and Rob Kling. 1991. "The Dreams of Technological
       Utopianism" pp 14-30 in Charles Dunlop & Rob Kling (Eds.)
       Computerization and Controversy: Value Conflicts and Social Choices.
       Boston, Academic Press.

    4. Ellis, Clarence, S.J. Gibbs, and G.L. Rein. 1991. Groupware: Some
       Issues and Experiences. CACM 34(1)(Jan):38-58

    5. Grudin, Jonathan. 1989. "Why Groupware Applications Fail: problems in
       design and evaluation." Office: Technology and People, 4:3, pp.

    6. Ishii, Hiroshi and Naomi Miyake. TeamWorkStation. An Open Shared
       Workspace. CACM This issue.

    7. Kling, R. 1987. "Defining the Boundaries of Computing Across Complex
       Organizations. in  Critical Issues in Information Systems, R. Boland
       and  R. Hirschheim (eds.). John-Wiley.

    8. Kling, R. "Computerization and Social Transformations" Science,
       Technology and Human Values. 16 (in press).

    9. Kling, R. and S. Iacono. 1988. "The Mobilization of Support for
       Computerization: The Role  of Computerization Movements"  Social
       Problems, 35(3)(June):226-243.

   10. Krasner, Herb, Bill Curtis, and Neil Iscoe. 1987. "Communication
       Breakdowns and Boundary Spanning Activities on large Programming
       Projects." in Empirical Studies of Programmers: Second Workshop Gary
       Olson, Sylvia Sheppard & Elliot Soloway (Ed.) Norwood, NJ: Ablex Pub

   11. Kyng, Morton "Designing for Cooperation"  CACM This issue.

   12. Kraemer, Kenneth .L. and Alain Pinsonneault.  1990. "Technology and
       Groups: Assessments of Empirical Research" in Galegher, Jolene,
       Robert Kraut, and Carmen Egido (Ed.)Intellectual Teamwork: Social and
       Intellectual Foundations of Cooperative Work.  Erlbaum.

   13. Perin, Constance. Electronic Social Fields in Bureaucracies.  CACM
       This issue.

   14. Schrage, Michael. 1990. Shared Minds: New Technologies of
       Collaboration. New York, Random House.
