[sci.virtual-worlds] Sci.Virtual-Worlds archives.

madsax@milton.u.washington.edu (Mark A. DeLoura) (05/02/91)

The archive for April 1991 is now available for anonyous ftp from
milton.u.washington.edu (  The April archive is the
largest month yet, reaching over 700K-- it's quite noticeable how much
the newsgroup is growing!

The April 1991 archive joins the ever-expanding sci.virtual-worlds
archives... we now have all of the postings ever posted to the
newsgroup, and the postings are split up into files by month and by

With the postings of the past four months, we are already within 100K
of the amount of postings seen during *all* of 1990.  

Also available now is a disk set of the archives, in Mac format-- see
the previous post by our moderator, Bob Jacobson, or send mail to
cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu for more information.

Here is the README file from the archives.
> To extract the files from any given archive...
>       1.  Be sure and ftp in binary mode.
>       2.  Do:  compress -d filename.tar.Z
>       3.  Do:  tar -xvf filename.tar
>       4.  The files will be extracted from the archive into an
>             appropriately-named directory. 
> The files for August through November 1990 were a bit munged during
> transit to their current residing place, and thus may not be exact
> duplicates of the postings from that time period.
> All archives now extract into their own directories-- so, you don't
> have to worry about munging your current directory up when you extract
> from the archive.

        ---Mark A. DeLoura <madsax@milton.u.washington.edu>
           Sci.Virtual-Worlds Co-Moderator/Librarian