[sci.virtual-worlds] VR in May Video Magazine

seguine@girtab.usc.edu (Christopher Seguine) (04/28/91)

 Check out this month's Video magazine for yet another look at the 
future of Virtual Worlds..... 

 Anyway the article mentions two interesting things.....

 Somebody is putting 2gether the first virtual amusemnet park....
where else... Osaka, Japan.... Called SciCom.....By 1995! 

 Anyone know how to get in touch with the people working on this???

  AGE (Abrams/Gentile Entrtainment) developers of the powergolve  promises
a "total" vr system for less than $400 in 1993...

 Anyone know AGE's adress or phone#???

Ok there was one other interesting thing:

  Logitech (those lame ibm mouse people) are making a dataglove that is 
suppose to cost between $500 to $1000.

I can see it now.... All those ibm clone people using a data glove to move
around in lotus....


hucaby@mri.uky.edu (David Hucaby) (05/02/91)

In article seguine@girtab.usc.edu (Christopher Seguine) writes:

>  AGE (Abrams/Gentile Entrtainment) developers of the powergolve  promises
>a "total" vr system for less than $400 in 1993...
> Anyone know AGE's adress or phone#???

Yup. It is: Abrams/Gentile Entertainment, Inc.
            244 West 54th Street, 9th Floor
            New York, NY   10019

Try and talk with Christopher Gentile (pronounced like Gen-tilly).
I've tried to talk to him before, but I never got past the secretary.

They don't seem to like to talk about the PowerGlove. I got pointed back 
toward VPL instead. VPL says that the PowerGlove lawsuit is now over, but 
the serial interface box that AGE/VPL was supplying is now in litigation, 
so it's no longer available.

>  Logitech (those lame ibm mouse people) are making a dataglove that is 
>suppose to cost between $500 to $1000.

The Logitech cheap-o version of the dataglove seems to be a LONG way off.
VPL didn't offer too many details about it - just that it is being thought
out now.

>I can see it now.... All those ibm clone people using a data glove to move
>around in lotus....

Lotus 1-2-'3D', I presume?

   _________   David Hucaby      Univ. of Kentucky Medical Center
       /    \  _        ____     Magnetic Resonance Imaging Center
      /     / /_\ \  / /___      Lexington, Kentucky 40536-0084
_____/_____/ /   \ \/ /___   (606)-258-4307     hucaby@mri.uky.edu

[MODERATOR'S NOTE:  It's rumored also that there is renewed litigation
between VPL and Virtex (sp?), the Stanford-backed firm that makes a 
competing form of glove I/O.  Can anyone substantiate this?  -- Bob