[sci.virtual-worlds] Teleutopia

esz001@cck.coventry.ac.uk (Will Overington) (05/03/91)

3rd May 1991

Will Overington
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering,
Coventry Polytechnic,
Priory Street,
Coventry CV1 5FB,

Teleutopia of Virtual Reality Objects

I have been trying to design a few objects to get the library
going and, in the light of my experiences, I now add the command
vvvfill to those already issued.

vvvfill has at least 4 parameters and may have more, within
reason.  The first parameter is an integer, herein called n,
which is the number of points describing the outline of the shape
that is to be drawn and filled. Thus, vvvfill will have n+1
parameters.  The points that define the shape are values of index
positions within the vvvstack.  The points should all lie in the
same plane.  The contents of the vvvstack are not affected, nor
is vvvstackindex.

I have also added various other commands such as vvvteleutopia,
vvvtitle, vvvauthor and vvvdate which may be regarded as comments
just as vvvcomment for purposes of object definition itself, but
are provided to assist in management of the knowledge base as it

For example, here is a design for a cube.

vvvteleutopia Teleutopia of Virtual Reality Objects
vvvtitle cube
vvvauthor W. J. G. Overington
vvvdate 3rd May 1991
vvvcomment define the eight vertex points of the cube
vvvx 300000000
vvvy 300000000
vvvz 300000000
vvvx 700000000
vvvy 700000000
vvvx 300000000
vvvy 300000000
vvvz 700000000
vvvx 700000000
vvvy 700000000
vvvx 300000000
vvvcomment now fill the six faces
vvvfill 4 1 2 3 4
vvvfill 4 1 2 6 5
vvvfill 4 2 3 7 6
vvvfill 4 3 4 8 7
vvvfill 4 4 1 5 8
vvvfill 4 5 6 7 8

I am now trying to work out how to compute the points for a
regular dodecahedron.  Any help would be appreciated.

I am also giving consideration as to how to specify curved
surfaces, bearing in mind that something quick and easy to use in
a system that is trying to fairly quickly compute new views of
objects both translated and rotated is needed.

With straight lines, a perspective view of a rotated version of
the straight line will still be a straight line.  This is not,
however, true with circles.  Any ideas?

Will Overington
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering,
Coventry Polytechnic,
Priory Street,
Coventry CV1 5FB,
Putting forward new ideas is like being a quarterback.
First of all you will loose a few yards by even starting the
Then there will be people trying to put you down.
Sometimes it's best to hand the football to someone who is better
at running, sometimes it's best to forward pass in a controlled,
planned way, but at times, the only thing to do is just hurl it
up in the air in a long forward pass attempt, and hope that
someone out there catches it and RUNS!
