[sci.virtual-worlds] Rebroadcast of BBC/Horizon Program on VR, 8 May

egon@kub.nl (05/06/91)

The BBC program about VR will be repeated on Wednesday May 8 on BBC2 at
18.10 UK time, 19.10 CET. For those of you who can't see the program and
want more info than the (excellent) review of Harry Fearnhamm, a
transcript of the program is available from the BBC. I will post the
address after I've seen the programm (again).

**  Egon M. Verharen  **        
UUCP:  ..!mcvax!kubix!egon      Institute for Language Technology
BITNET: egon@kub.nl /           and Artificial Intelligence (ITK)
        verharen@htikub5        P.O.BOX 90153
phone: (+31) (13) 662767        5000 LE  Tilburg, The Netherlands
fax:   (+31) (13) 663069

**  Egon M. Verharen  **                             UUCP: ..!kubix!egon
Instituut voor Taal- en Kennistechnologie (ITK)      BITNET: egon@kub.nl /
Kath. Univ. Brabant                                        verharen@htikub5