[sci.virtual-worlds] Help on VR project

csg078@cck.cov.ac.uk (~Zebedee~) (05/07/91)

Since seeing 'QED' and 'Horizon' on BBC recently, I have become very
interested in the Virtual Reality field of computing, therefore for my final
year degree project (just over a year away) I've decided to try something in
this field.

I know very little about VR, so I would appreciate any pointers anyone on the
net can give me, as to how/where to find out more about this, such as books,
mailing lists, whatever...

Many thanks

     /// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ///
    ///  Zebedee : csg078@uk.ac.cov.cck !  Cole's Law:                    ///
\\\///     Coventry Poly, Cov, UK       !     Thinly sliced cabbage.  \\\///  
 \XX/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \XX/ 

[MODERATOR'S NOTES:  An especial call for help to any  of the many 
Brits online may want to help your countryman. -- Bob Jacobson]