[sci.virtual-worlds] U.S. Senate Hearing on Virtual Reality, Wednesday, May 8th

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (05/03/91)

On Wednesday, May 8th, the Senate Commerce Committee will convene a 
hearing on "'virtual reality' and related computer technology."  Chairing
the hearing will be Senator Al Gore (D-TN), chairman of the Subcommittee
on Science, Technology, and Space, and author of the legislation to create
a National Research and Education Network (NREN), the successor to the

Invited to appear on the panel are Dr. Fred Brooks, University of North
Carolina; Dr. Thomas Furness, Human Interface Technology Laboratory,
Seattle; and Mr. Jaron Lanier, VPL Research, Inc.  In its request for
testimony, the Committee asks the witnesses to

        summarize the work being done in your laboratory, discuss
        how the "virtual reality" technology is evolving, and
        discuss the barriers, both technical and otherwise, to
        its further development and application.  The Committee is
        particularly interested in how this technology might be 
        used in education, research, and other fields to improve
        America's competitiveness.

The hearing begins in Senate Room 253 at 9:30 AM.  For more information,
contact Mike Nelson, Majority Staff, 202-224-9360; and Louis Whitsett,
Minority Staff, 202-224-8172.

frerichs@adsl.uwm.edu (dfRERICHS) (05/03/91)

In article <1991May3.010131.19788@milton.u.washington.edu> cyberoid@milton.u.was
hington.edu (Robert Jacobson) writes:
>On Wednesday, May 8th, the Senate Commerce Committee will convene a 
>hearing on "'virtual reality' and related computer technology."  Chairing

[stuff banished from existence]

>The hearing begins in Senate Room 253 at 9:30 AM.  For more information,
>contact Mike Nelson, Majority Staff, 202-224-9360; and Louis Whitsett,
>Minority Staff, 202-224-8172.

Does anyone know if this will be on C-SPAN?

 University of Illinois, Urbana         Designing systems that work...
 Dept. of Computer Engineering          Consumer VR. Networked VR.
 IEEE/SigGraph                            _    _    _
 frerichs@adsl.ece.uiuc.edu             _/_\__/_\__/_\_
 frerichs@well.sf.ca.us                  \_/  \_/  \_/                     ]

gav044@csc.albany.edu (VLACHOS GEORGIOS) (05/03/91)

In article <1991May3.010131.19788@milton.u.washington.edu> cyberoid@milton.u.was
hington.edu (Robert Jacobson) writes:>
>On Wednesday, May 8th, the Senate Commerce Committee will convene a 
>hearing on "'virtual reality' and related computer technology."  Chairing
>the hearing will be Senator Al Gore (D-TN), chairman of the Subcommittee
>on Science, Technology, and Space, and author of the legislation to create
>a National Research and Education Network (NREN), the successor to the
>[Stuff deleted]

   Since I am not able to attend this hearing, would anybody know if the 
discussion during this hearing is published, and by whom?
                                Thanx in advance -- George

[MODERATOR'S NOTE:  Generally, records are kepby the Committee.  They
should be available from the Clerk of the Senate AFTER the hearing.  Do
NOT bug the Subcommittee staff prior to the hearing; they're busy folks.
-- Bob Jacobson (former legislative staffer)]

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (05/04/91)

Please, if someone has the means to record this hearing, either on
video (preferably) or audio, let me know.  This is an historic event
that should be preserved for the record.

Bob Jacobson

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Bob Jacobson) (05/07/91)

From: Michael Nelson <mnelson@nsf.gov>
        At 9:30 am, Wednesday, May 8, the Subcommittee on Science, Technology,
and Space of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
is holding a hearing on "New Developments in Computer Technology: Virtual
Reality."  Senator Gore, chairman of the Science Subcommittee will preside.
The hearing will be in Room 253 of the Russell Senate Office Building.  In
addition, on May 8 and 9, there will be an on-going demonstration of the
VPL Research system in the Hart Senate Office Building.

Witnesses at the hearing:

Panel 1 -- The Potential of Virtual Reality

Jaron Lanier, President, VPL Research, Redwood City, CA
Fred Brooks, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Univ. of North Carolina,
  Chapel Hill, NC
Thomas Furness, Director, Human Interface Technology Center, Univ. of 
Panel 2 -- The Federal Government's Role

Charles Brownstein, Acting Assistant Director for Computer and Information
  Sciences and Engineering, National Science Foundation
Lee Holcomb, NASA
(Not necessarily in order of appearance)

The hearing should run until 12:00 or so.

(Feel free to distribute this message.)

matt@Think.COM (Matt Fitzgibbon) (05/08/91)

  From: cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Bob Jacobson)
  Newsgroups: sci.virtual-worlds
  Date: 7 May 91 08:01:56 GMT

  [MODERATOR'S NOTE:  This is cited from a direct post from the
  Senate Commerce Committee...]

  Fred Brooks, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Univ. of North Carolina,
    Chapel Hill, NC

Dr. Brooks is actually the Kenan Professor of Computer Science 
(although he may know quite a bit about electrical engineering too;
he seems to know quite a bit about most things!). As far as I know,
there is no electrical engineering department at UNC Chapel Hill
(even though we used to wish there was one).

-Matt Fitzgibbon                                  245 First Street
 Thinking Machines Corporation                  Cambridge MA 02142
