[sci.virtual-worlds] Japanese VR Research Bibliography

fushimi@uunet.UU.NET (Satoshi) (05/11/91)

[MODERATOR's NOTE:  I received the following posting from Dr. 
Satoshi Fushimi in reply to my earlier request for Japanese 
participation in sci.virtual-worlds.  I am deeply grateful to Dr. 
Fushimi for this courtesy.  The explanation he has provided of 
why there is not more Japanese participation suggests that this 
situation will change with time.  The extensive list of Japanese 
research and technical papers that follows is simply wonderful.  
I know you will join in my appreciation.  -- Bob Jacobson]

Dear Dr. Jacobson,

        Thank you for your invitation to the Industrial Symposium 
last February.

        I read your posting:

                As moderator, I have received many private email 
        messages inquiring about virtual worlds activities in 
        Japan.  Most of these messages suggest that the openness 
        being displayed by researchers in the U.S., Canada, and 
        Europe is based on an expectation of reciprocity that 
        should be encouraged by openness from Japan.

                Personally, I have had good communications with my 
        Japanese colleagues.  I feel somewhat well informed about 
        them as individuals, and a couple have posted personal 
        remarks to the newsgroup.  However, no one has yet asked 
        me to post anything substantial about their work, and no 
        lab in Japan has yet to explicitly discuss its research 
        agenda or progress.

                This is unusual, particularly on the eve of the 
        Nikkei/JTTAS and Kansai research conferences.

        (deleted about 10 lines)

        I can recognize your claim, but I have other points of view:

        1) The computer network is not used daily by ordinary 
researchers in Japan.  I guess many researchers engaged in VR 
don"t know "sci.virtual-worlds," or have no private, convenient 
measure to access it, or have no habit to use a network-
connected terminal daily, especially in English.

        2) Speaking about "JUnet":  it is a volunteer-based and 
solely Unix network.  in Japan, it introduced "sci.virtual-worlds" 
from the U.S. just at the end of last year, at the request of Mr. 
Ishihara of ETL.

        3) I do not believe that the Nikkei/JTTAS confernce is so 
important.  I see it only as "a conference sponsored by a big 

        I have provided you with an outline of Japanese research, 
for your convenience.  Following is a sorted list of some recent 
Japanese VR articles (almost all of them are written in the 
Japanese language).  Japanese research in our field is often 
referred to as "tele-existence."  Many articles of robotics 
presumably have an internal relation with VR technology, but 
they are omitted from this list.  The list may be published on 

        We at the Information & Mathematical Lab, Inc., are 
preparing an application of VR technology for atomic-plant 
design/training work.  This project is a sub-target of the project 
"Development of Applied Measurement Technology of Human 
Sense" that M.I.T.I. has started this year; the first period of it 
continues for four years.

Satoshi Fushimi
Information & Mathematical Science Lab. Inc.
E-mail:  fushimi@idas.imslab.co.jp
Fax: +81-3-3590-5353, Phone: +81-3-3590-5211


        [MODERATOR'S NOTE:  My main response to this incredible 
resource, graciously posted by Fushimi-san, is that we in the 
English-speaking world had better get our language skills in 
order!  In the meantime, how can we get the journals, particularly 
Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human Interface"), 
translated into English?  Is this something properly done by the 
various government trade agencies?  Or should the new MIT Press 
journal, PRESENCE, make provision for coverage of Japanese (and 
other) language articles?  I throw this topic open for serious and 
immediate discussion, for the sake of the field. -- Bob Jacobson]




        1) Including article, commentary, review, etc.

        2) Including related articles, but non-VR from a strict 

        3) Proper names with <*> are translated or interpreted by 
me from the Japanese name.  They may be different from  the 
persons' official names.

        4) Some Japanese names are presented as Roman letter 
expressions of original pronunciations, because that is how they 
appear in the bibliographic database JICST-E of the STN 
international online service.

        5) <#> Marked title is listed twice.

        6) In the list, the name, "Human Interface", is another name 
for the "Proceeedings of the [number] Human Interface 



Nishi-8, Kita-13, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan 060

Hand with Sensory Feedback

        Ifukube, Tohru
        Hokkaido Univ., Res. Inst. of Applied Electricity
        Nippon Robotto Gakkaishi (Journal of the Robotics Society 
        of Japan), Vol.7 No.5 pp. 496-500 (1989)

A Development of Artificial Fingers for Tele-existence Robot and 
Its Operation System

        Ino, Shuichi; Izumi, Takashi; Ifukube, Tohru; Kimura, 
        Hokkaido Univ., Res. Inst. Appl. Elec.; NTT Appl. Elec. Lab.
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol.5th pp.9-14(1989)

A Basic Study on Artificial Skin and Tactile Sensor for Tele-
existence Robot

        Ino, Shuichi; Ifukube, Tohru; Shimijo, Yosimitu; Kimura, 
        Hokkaido Univ., Res. Inst. Appl. Elec.; Toshiba; NTT Appl. 
        Elec. Lab.
        Denshi Joho Tushin Gakkai Gijutu Kenkyu Hokoku (IEICE 
        Technical Report), Vol.89, No.86 (MBE89 28-40) pp.91-98 

Development of Artificial Fingers for Tele-existence of Tactile 

        Shimijo, Yosimitu; Ifukube, Tohru; Kimura, Hirofumi
        Hokkaido Univ., Res. Inst. Appl. Elec.; NTT Appl. Elec. Lab.
        Nippon Robotto Gakkai Gakujutu Koenkai Yokoshu 
        (Proceedings of the Japan Society of Mechanical 
        Engineers<*>), Vol.5th pp.471-472 (1987)

The Dependence of Tactile Chracteristics on the Skin Surface
Temperature Obtained by Mechanical Stimuli Applied on a Human 

        Izumi, Takashi; Ino, Shuichi; Takahashi, Makoto; Ifukube, 
        Tohru; Kimura, Hirofumi
        Hokkaido Univ., Res. Inst. Appl. Elec.; NTT Appl. Elec. Lab.
        Denshi Joho Tushin Gakkai Gijutu Kenkyu Hokoku(IEICE 
        Technical Report), Vol.91,No.26(HC91-2) pp.21-26 (1991)

1-1-1, Tenodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki-ken, Japan 305

Introduction of Force Sense to Artificial Reality -- Construction 
of Virtual Space

        Iwata, Hiroo
        Tsukuba University, Inst. of Structural Engineering
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol.5th pp.1-4 (1989)

Artificial Reality with Force-feedback: Development of Desktop 
Virtual Space with Compact Master Manipulator

        Iwata, Hiroo
        Tsukuba University, Institute of Engineering Mechanics
        Computer Graphics, Vol.24, No.4, pp.165-170 (1990), 
        Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics

Artificial Reality and Simulator

        Iwata, Hiroo
        Tsukuba University, Institute of Engineering Mechanics
        Simulation: Special Features on Disaster and Simulation 
        (Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology),
        Vol.9, No.4, pp.238-248 (1990)

Artificial Reality for Walking about an Uneven Surface of Virtual 

        Iwata, Hiroo; Matsuda, Keigo
        Tsukuba University, Inst. of Engineering Mechanics
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol.6, pp.21-24 (1990)

Development of AR-Supported Cooperative Work

        Iwata, Hiroo; Noma, Haruo
        Tsukuba University, Inst. of Engineering Mechanics
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol.6, pp.231-234 (1990)

Performance Evaluation of Recognition and Manipulation of 
Virtual Objects by Force Display

        Iwata, Hiroo; Noma, Haruo; Nakashima, Takahiro
        Tsukuba University, Institute of Engineering Mechanics
        Denshi Joho Tushin Gakkai Gijutu Kenkyu Hokoku (IEICE 
        Technical Report),Vol. 91, No.26 (HC91-2), pp.1-8 (1991)

7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 113

Tele-existence (I):  Design and Evaluation of a Visual Display 
with the Sensation of "Presence"

        Tachi, S; Tanie, K; Komoriya, K; Kaneko, M
        Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Theory 
        and Practice of Robots and Manipulators (1984)

Development of Head Mounted Display System (HMD)

        Hirose, Michitaka; Koga, Masashi; Ishii, Takemochi
        Univ. of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering
        Joho Shori Gakkai Kenkyu Hokoku (IPSJ Technical Report 
        <*>), Vol. 88, No.58, (CG-34), pp. 55-62 (1988)

3-Dimensional Interface Using Artificial Reality Technology

        Hirose, Michitaka; Koga, Masashi; Ishii, Takemochi
        Univ. of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol.4, pp.201-206 (1988)

Artificial Reality

        Hirose, Michitaka
        Univ. of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering
        Sisutemu, Seigyo, Joho (Systems, Control and Information),
        Vol. 33, No.11, pp. 590-597 (1989)

Artificial Reality

        Hirose, Michitaka
        Univ. of Tokyo, Faculty of Enginering
        Nippon Kikai Gakkaishi (Journal of the Japan Society of 
        Mechanical Engineers), Vol. 93, No. 863, pp. 874-880 

A Study for Modification of the Actual Environment by a See-
Through HMD [Head-Mounted Display]

        Hirose, Michitaka; Kijima, Ryugo; Sato, Yoichi; Ishii, 
        Univ. of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol.6, pp.1-8 (1990)

Software Visualization

        Koike, Hideki; Hirose, Michitaka; Ishii, Takemochi
        Univ. of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol.6, pp. 411-416 (1990)
        N.B.  Includes notes for application of VR to software 

Reality on Binocular Head Mounted Display

        Maeda, Taro; Ohyama, Eimei; Tachi, Susumu
        Mechanical Engineering Lab.; Univ. of Tokyo, RCAST
        Denshi Joho Tushin Gakkai Gijutu Kenkyu Hokoku (IEICE 
        Technical Report), Vol. 91, No.2 6 (HC91-2), pp.33-38 

Object Manipulation in Virtual Environment -- The Case of Fixed 
Stereo Display

        Horise, Michitaka; Myoi, Takeshi; Liu, Andrew; Stark, 
        Univ. of Tokyo; Tokyo Electric Power Co. Inc.; U.C. Berkley
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol.6, pp. 571-576 (1990)

Virtual Workbench for Building Communication Environments

        Ott M; De Silvial C; Satou T; Aizawa K; Hatori M 
        Univ. of Tokyo
        Denshi Joho Tushin Gakkai Gijutu Kenkyu Hokoku(IEICE 
        Technical Report), Vol. 90,No. 290 (HC90 15-23), pp.39-
        44 (1990)

"Virtual Science" of Accuracy in Generated Environments -- 
Focusing on the Effect of Time Delay in Virtual Space

        Kijima, Ryugo; Hirose, Michitaka
        Univ. of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering
        Denshi Joho Tushin Gakkai Gijutu Kenkyu Hokoku (IEICE 
        Technical Report), Vol. 91, No. 26 (HC91-2), pp.27-32 

4257, Nagatuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama, Japan 227

Space Interface Device for Artificial Reality:  SPIDAR

        Sato, Makoto; Hirata, Yukihiro; Kawarada, Hiroshi
        Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Res. Lab. of Precision Machinery 
        and Electronics
        Joho Shori Gakkai Kenkyu Hokoku (IPSJ Technical Report 
        <*>), Vol. 89, No. 109 (CG-42), pp. 87-94 (1989)

Space Interface Device for Artificial Reality:  SPIDAR

        Sato, Makoto; Hirata, Yukihiro; Kawarada, Hiroshi
        Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Res. Lab. of Precision Machinery 
        and Electronics
        Denshi Joho Tushin Gakkai Gijutu Kenkyu Hokoku (IEICE 
        Technical Report), Vol. 89, No. 337 (PRU89 82-88, pp.51+ 

Construction of Perception Cycle for the Direct Manipulation of 
Virtual Work Space

        Hirata, Yukihiro; Sato, Makoto; Kawarada, Hiroshi
        Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Res. Lab. of Precision Machinery 
        and Electronics
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol. 5, pp. 523 (1989)

Virtual Block World

        Mizuguchi, Takehisa; Hirata, Yukihiro; Sato, 
        Makoto;Kawarada, Hiroshi
        Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Research Lab. of Precision 
        Machinery and Electronics
        Denshi Joho Tushin Gakkai Gijutu Kenkyu Hokoku (IEICE 
        Technical Report), Vol. 91, No.26 (HC91-2), pp.9-14 (1991)

3-4-1, Ohkubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 169

Musical Virtual Space

        Ohteru, Sadamu; Hashimoto, Shuji; Sato, Akio
        Waseda Univ., Dept. of Applied Phsics
        Denshi Joho Tushin Gakkai Gijutu Kenkyu Hokoku (IEICE 
        Technical Report), Vol. 91,No. 26 (HC91-2), pp. 45-54 

1-3, Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 162

A Basic Study on Coordination Control of Artificial Fingers
First Report:  A structure of five fingers with multiple degrees-
of-freedom and a concept of three dimensional grasping

        Fukuda,Toshio; Shimonaka Ken
        Science University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering
        Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu. C (Transactions of the 
        Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers C),Vol.53, No.,487, 
        pp. 731-738 (1987)

Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan 464

Psychological Issues Regarding the Application of an Artificial 
Reality Technique to  Architecture

        Hisano, Kaku <*>
        Nagoya Univ., Faculty of Engineering, Architecture
        Joho, Sisutemu, Riyou, Gijutu, Simpoziumu (Symposium on 
        Information,System,Usage and Engineering <*>), Vol.13, 
        pp. 361-366 (1990)

A Study on an Artificial Reality for Architectural Space

        Nomura; Yamazaki; Yamada; Kamei; Tsukio
        Nagoya Univ., Faculty of Engineering, Architecture
        Joho, Sisutemu, Riyou, Gijutu, Sinpojiumu (Symposium on 
        Information,System,Usage and Engineering <*>),
        Vol.13, pp. 355-360 (1990)

The Development of the Landscape Simulation System Applying 
an Artificial Reality Technique

        Mori; Itoh; Tsukio
        Kajima Corp; Nagoya Univ., Faculty of Engineering, 
        Nihon Kenchiku Gakkai Gakujutu Koen Kogaishu D 
        Kankyokogaku(Conference Abstracts of Architectural 
        Institute of Japan, D, Environmental Engineering <*>),
        Vol.1990, pp. 35-36 (1990)

Impression of Visitors to the Landscape Simulation Room, 
Applying Artificial Reality Technique

        Itoh; Mori; Tsukio; HIsano
        Kajima Corp; Nagoya Univ., Faculty of Engineering, 
        Nihon Kenchiku Gakkai Gakujutu Koen Kogaishu D 
        Kankyokogaku (Conference Abstracts of Architectural 
        Institute of Japan, D, Environmental Engineering <*>),
        Vol.1990, pp. 37-38 (1990)

A Psychological Experiment in Landscape Simulation Room 
Applying Artificial Reality Technique (Parts 1 and 2)

        Mori; Yamaguchi; Hisano; Tsukio; Itoh
        Nagoya Univ., Faculty of Engineering, Architecture; Kajima 
        Nihon Kenchiku Gakkai Gakujutu Koen Kogaishu D 
        Kankyokogaku (Conference Abstracts of Architectural 
        Institute of Japan, D, Environmental Engineering <*>),
        Vol.1990, pp. 39-42 (1990)

Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan

        Tamura, Hiroshi
        Faculty of Industrial Arts
        Coodinating the "Symposium on Human Interface"

1-1, Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka-fu, Japan 560

Sensory Seedback Control Cased on the Artificial Potential for 
Robot Manipulators.

        Miyazaki,Fumio; Arimoto,Suguru; Takegaki,Morikazu; 
        Osaka Univ., Faculty of Engineering Science; Mitsubishi 
        Electric Corp.
        Keisoku Jido Seigyo Gakkai Ronbunshu (Transactions of the 
        Society of Instrument and Control Engineers), Vol.21, No.1, 
        pp. 71-77 (1985)

Sensory Feedback Control for Space Manipulators

        Masutani,Yasuhiro; Miyazaki,Fumio
        Osaka Univ., Faculty of Engineering Science, Mechanical 
        Nippon Robotto Gakkaishi (Journal of the Robotics Society 
        of Japan), Vol.7,No.6, pp. 647-655 (1989) 

Development of Cooperative Trajectory Control System for Two 
Robots on Sensory Data

        Ikei; Ohkawa; Yokoi
        Osaka Univ., Faculty of Engineering Science; Yokogawa 
        Electric Corp.
        Nippon Robotto Gakkaishi (Journal of the Robotics Society 
        of Japan), Vol.8, No.3, pp. 265-272 (1990)

Building a 3-D World Model for a Mobile Robot from Sensory Data

        Asada, Minoru
        Osaka Univ., Faculty of Engineering Science, Control 
        Nippon Robotto Gakkaishi (Journal of the Robotics Society 
        of Japan), Vol.8, No.2, pp.160-170 (1990)

====M.I.T.I. Laboratories====

1-1-4, Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki-ken, Japan 305

Undulation Detection of Virtual Shape by Tactile Tracing

        Fukui, Yukio; Shimojo, Makoto
        Industrial Products Research Institute
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol.6, pp. 31-34 (1990)

Tracing Algorithm of Virtual Shape Using Force-feedback

        Fukui, Yukio; Shimojo, Makoto
        Industrial Products Research Institute
        Joho Shori Gakkai Kenkyu Hokoku (IPSJ Technical Report 
        <*>), Vol.91, No.15 (CG-49-6) (1991)

1-1-4, Umezono, tsukuba, Ibaraki-ken, Japan 305

        In my list, no article appeared, but the laboratory has many 
        research themes on advanced robotics for hazardous 

1-2, Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki-ken, Japan 305

<#> Reality on Binocular Head Mounted Display

        Maeda, Taro; Ohyama, Eimei; Tachi, Susumu
        Mechanical Engineering Lab.; Univ. of Tokyo, RCAST
        Denshi Joho Tushin Gakkai Gijutu Kenkyu Hokoku (IEICE 
        Technical Report), Vol.91, No.26 (HC91-2), pp.33-38 (1991)

====Laboratories of Private Corporations====

Sanpeidani Inuidani, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto, Japan 619-02

An Approarch to Humaninterface for Realistic Telecommunication

        Tomono, Akira; Kobayashi, Yukio; Yamashita, Koichi
        ATR Communication Systems Res. Labs.
        Joho Shori Gakkai Kenkyu Hokoku(IPSJ Technical 
        Report<*>), Vol. 89, No.34 (HI-24), pp. HI.24.2, 1-10 (1989)

A Usability Study of the Virtual Environment

        Takemura, Haruo; Tomono, Akira; Kishino, Fumio
        ATR Communication Systems Research Lab, Kyoto, JPN
        Phone +81-7749-5-1211, Fax +81-7749-5-1208
        E-mail:  takemura%atr-sw.atr.co.jp@uunet.uu.net
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol.6, pp. 577-582 (1990)

Human Interface Using Artificial Reality

        Takemura, Haruo; Kishino, Fumio
        ATR Communication System Res. Labs.
        Terebijon Gakkaishi(Journal of the Institute of Television 
        Engineers of Japan), Vol. 44,No. 8, pp.981-985 (1990)

Influence of Delay Time on Motion Parallax

        Satoh, Takanori; Tomono, Akira; Takemura, Haruo; Kishino, 
        ATR Communication Systems Research Laboratories
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol.6, pp. 113-116 (1990)

Gaze Point Detection Method Based on Measuring 3D Positions of 
Face and Pupil

        Tomono, Akira; Kishino, Fumio
        ATR Communication Systems Research Laboratories
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol.6, pp. 25-30 (1990)

1-2356, Take, Yokosuka, Kanagawa-ken, Japan 238-03

Multimedia and Human Interface

        Kishimoto, Tomio
        Denshi Joho Tushin Gakkai Gijutu Kenkyu Hokoku(IEICE 
        Technical Report), Vol.89, No. 238 (NLC89 25-31), pp.1-8 

Robot's Teaching by Operator's Movement in Virtual Reality

        Takahashi, Tomoichi
        NTT Human Interface Laboratories
        Denshi Joho Tushin Gakkai Gijutu Kenkyu Hokoku (IEICE 
        Technical Report), Vol. 91, No.26 (HC91-2), pp. 15-20 

1048, Kadoma, Osaka, Japan 571

Virtual Reality and its Application to Consumer Showrooms

        Nomura, Junji
        Matsushita Electric Works
        Proceedings of Joint Conference for Automatic Control <*>, 
        Vol.33, pp. 11-14 (1990)

An Experiment for Evaluating the Accuracy of a 3-D Magnetic 
Sensor in Virtual Space

        Enomoto, Noriko; Sawada, Kazuya; Nomura, Junji
        Matsushita Electric Works, Information System Center, AI 
        Research Group
        Joho Shori Gakkai Kenkyu Hokoku (IPSJ Technical 
        Report<*>), Vol. 91,No. 15 (CG-49-7) (1991)

1015, Kamikodanaka, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Japan 211

Gesture Recognition Using Recurent Neural Networks

        Ushiyama, hitomi; Hirota, Katsuhiko; Murakami, Kouichi
        Fujitsu Labs.
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol. 6, pp. 187-190 (1990)

Artificial Reality with Virtual Creature

        Hayashi, Kazushi; Fujita, Takushi; Hirota, Katsuhiko; 
        Matsumoto, Chikako; Nishiyama, Soichi; Murakami, Kouichi
        Fujitsu Labs. Ltd., Human Interface Lab.
        Denshi Joho Tushin Gakkai Gijutu Kenkyu Hokoku(IEICE 
        Technical Report), Vol. 91, No. 26(HC91-2), pp. 39-44 

Behavior Simulation of Virtual Creatures

        Fujita, Takushi; Hayashi, Kazushi; Matsumoto, Chikako; 
        Murakami, Kouichi
        Fujitsu Labs. Ltd., Human Interface Lab.
        Joho Shori Gakkai Kenkyu Hokoku (IPSJ Technical 
        Report<*>), Vol.91, No. 15 (CG-49-8) (1991)

Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 104

Realization of VRN:  The Virtual Reality Network

        Myoi, Takeshi; Amari, Haruo; Kuzuoka, Hideaki
        Tokyo Electric Power Co. Inc., Computer & Communication 
        Res. Center; Univ. of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering
        OHM: Journal on Electricity<*> Vol.76 ,No. 11 pp. 165-
        168 (1989)

Design of Control Software Using Visual Representation

        Amari, haruo; Myoi, Takeshi; Hayashi, Tatsuo; Koike, Hideki; 
        Hirose, Michitake; Ishii, Takemochi
        Tokyo Electric Power Co. Inc., Computer & Communication 
        Res. Center; Univ. of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"),Vol. 6,  pp. 565-570 (1990)

<#> Object Manipulation in Virtual Environment--The Case of 
Fixed Stereo Display

        Horise, Michitaka; Myoi, Takeshi; Liu, Andrew; Stark, 
        Univ. of Tokyo; Tokyo Electric Power Co. Inc.; U.C.Berkley
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol. 6, pp. 571-576 (1990)

2-19-1, Tobitakyu, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan 182

Applying Artificial Reality Technique to the Construction 
Industry; The Development of a Landscape Simulation System

        Tsujita; Mori; Itoh; Kakei
        Kajima Kensetu Gijutu Kenkyusho Nenpo (Annual Report of 
        Kajima Institute for Construnction Technology<*>), Vol. 38, 
        pp. 265-270 (1990)

NISSHO ELECTRONICS (agent for VPL Research)
7-3-1, Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 104
Phone +81-3-3544-8389   Fax +81-3-3544-8470

Control "Virtual Reality (VR)"

        Nisshoerekutoronikusu (Nissho Electronics Corp.)
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol. 5, pp.523 (1989)

Toshiba R&D Center
1, Komukai Toshiba-cho, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki, Japan 210

The Application of Virtual Reality to Mechanical Design

        Kameyama, Ken-ichi; Ohtomi, Koichi
        Toshiba R&D Center Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
        Denshi Joho Tushin Gakkai Gijutu Kenkyu Hokoku (IEICE 
        Technical Report), Vol. 91, No. 26 (HC91-2), pp. 55-60 

89-7, Morinosato, Kukizaki-machi, Inashiki-gun, Ibaraki-ken, 
Japan 300-12

The Concept of "RAR" on the Naviglasses:  Toward the Fusion of 
"Reality" and "Artificial Reality"

        Ohzahata, Shigemitsu
        Macintosh Intelligent Software R&D Center, 
        Macintelligence Inc.
        Hyuman, Intafesu, Shinpojiumu Ronbunshu ("Human 
        Interface"), Vol. 6, pp. 9-14 (1990)