[sci.virtual-worlds] European researchers in VR.

Chalmers@europarc.xerox.com (Matthew Chalmers) (05/11/91)

Hello -

I remember that some time ago on sci.v-w you mentioned the feasibility
of using you as a contact for other researchers in VR. I'd like to do
that, in particular to find people in Europe who might be interested in
me coming round to see what they were working on and to hear what I am
working on. I am trying to put together a 'tour' for late summer/early
autumn.  [MODERATOR'S NOTE:  Please respond directly to Matthew, to
facilitate his early planning. -- Bob Jacobson]  

Perhaps I might offer a few lines describing my current goals and plans:

        A new project at EuroPARC is beginning to use physically-based
        techniques for the representation and analysis of documents. It is
        proposed that such techniques can be used for document classification
        and retrieval, and for a 3D graphical representation of the corpus.
        System monitoring of changes to the corpus would make for reactiveness
        to progress in document-producing activities. Looking for changes in 
        the body of public documents (and their content) is proposed as a 
        useful way of supporting awareness of mutual interest.

I have also started tidying my scribbled notes from the Munich symposium
and my rather more brief notes from Santa Cruz. I'll post them to
sci.v-w soon.

