[sci.virtual-worlds] more Virtual Sex?

dtj@sumac.cray.com (Dean Johnson) (05/16/91)

> [MODERATOR'S NOTE:  It's said that when what you do (or talk about)
> becomes cliche', you've arrived.  I appreciate Tony Buckland's
> finally posting the inevitable speculation on virtual sex, or
> "teledildonics," to the newsgroup.  On the other hand, this topic
> has pretty much been talked to death on both alt.cyberspace and
> The WELL's    vr    conference, so unless the Group Mind thinks
> otherwise, I suggest we move on to more tangible manifestations of
> our work.

Here! Here! Let's get back to sensory modalities and other such tangibles ;-).
None of that icky hardware stuff either (Hi Alan!). 

        -Dean Johnson
         Software Berserker/Rabid-Protyping Specialist
         Tools, Libraries, and Commands Group
         Cray Research Inc.       Eagan,MN      (612) 683-5880