[sci.virtual-worlds] Off to Japan!

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Bob Jacobson) (05/18/91)

I am very pleased to report that co-moderator Mark DeLoura has 
mastered    postit   and reduced it to a tame (but very quick)
pussycat of a program.  It works wonderfully and you should not
get anymore double or triple posts.  Plus, I can update the
mailings more immediately.  For all you who are moderators, I
recommend this DeLoura Revision without reservation.

Also, I will be traveling to Japan this weekend, for a week
spent under the tutelage of Fujitsu Research Institute's Dr.
M. Kawahata.  Tom Furness and I will be meeting our colleagues
at the various Japanese VR labs and seeing old friends, some of
whom (like the Two Satoshi's, Ishihara and Fujimi) are regular
participants here.  While I'm away, Mark DeLoura will move out of the
background and assume the chief moderator's role.  I will
report back, as I can, on my return.  The European trip report
is almost done and will be posted before I leave.  See you
all real soon.

For now, Sayonara.

Bob Jacobson