[sci.virtual-worlds] VR Panel at UCLA - This Week

schur@isi.edu (Sean Schur) (05/18/91)

I am forwarding the following posting to this newsgroup as it may be of
interest here, especially to those in the L.A. area. I first downloaded
it from an in-house BBoard.

>CPSR/LA meeting
>   Wednesday, May 22, 7:30 pm
>   Powell Library 200F, UCLA
>           VIRTUAL REALITY:  Where it is and where it is headed
>A videotaped panel discussion featuring:
>David Zeltzer, MIT Media Laboratory
>Nicole Stenger, MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies
>William Bricken, Human Interface Technology Laboratory, University of
>Gary Marx, MIT Sociology Department (moderator)
>The panel was a part of CPSR's 1990 symposium on Directions and Implications of
>Advanced Computing in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
>First, the panelists give an overview of present work in the field and their
>visions of its future.  During the open discussion that follows, the panelists
>not only present virtual reality as a technological imperative, but they
>dismiss any negative social implications, or indeed, any personal social
>responsibility for their work at all.  This sparks heated debate with the
>audience, including Steve Berlin, Deborah Johnson, Richard Stallman, Joseph
>Weizenbaum, Lucy Suchman, and others.
>                           Michael Stiber
>                         stiber@cs.ucla.edu
>                  ...{ucbvax,ihpn4}!ucla-cs!stiber
>UCLA Computer Science Dept., 3436 Boelter Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90024

Sean Schur                                      USENET: schur@isi.edu   
Assistant Director Amiga/Media Lab              Compuserve: 70731,1102  
Character Animation Department                  Plink: OSS259   
California Institute of the Arts