[sci.virtual-worlds] Virtual Sex

buckland@ucs.ubc.ca (Tony Buckland) (05/15/91)

 A recent posting dismissed an earlier question about expectations
 for virtual-world sex rather cavalierly, with what I take to be
 the derisory term "teledildonics".  I think the question deserves
 a more considered response, for at least two reasons.  One is
 that people will pay a great deal of money for the kind of sexual
 experience they want, or can be induced to want.  The other is
 that, like games in ordinary computing, sex would be demanding
 enough to be constantly stretching the state of the art.
 I think the first question has to be, "what do you mean by sex?"
 If the answer is, "the computer and its sensing and feedback
 devices have to behave convincingly like a sexual partner in at
 least all tactile senses," I agree that it's an awfully long
 way off; you'd have to end up with the equivalent of a very
 advanced Audioanimatronic figure including yielding fleshlike
 covering, warmth, and moisture.  That's big bucks for just
 I/O, without considering the computing.
 But a more reasonable answer might be, "the computer and its
 sensing and feedback devices have to provide a good orgasm."
 The sex toy trade already has reasonable artificial genitalia,
 and devices, vibratory usually, for inducing pleasure in
 erogenous zones.  These are mass-produced and cheap.  What is
 missing that a computer could provide is sensing of the state
 of arousal of the user, together with appropriate fine control
 of the devices to respond to that state.  Without this, which
 is provided in partner sex by the attention and imagination of
 the partner, or in solitary sex by constant control by the
 user, the user can't relax and let things happen.  The virtual
 reality aspect to add is creation of a scene to supplement
 control of the stimulators with images, presumably of an ideal
 partner, and possibly of very limited simulation of tactile
 contact (resistance to the hands corresponding to key
 anatomical features, say).  Sound would be nice, too.

[MODERATOR'S NOTE:  It's said that when what you do (or talk about)
becomes cliche', you've arrived.  I appreciate Tony Buckland's
finally posting the inevitable speculation on virtual sex, or
"teledildonics," to the newsgroup.  On the other hand, this topic
has pretty much been talked to death on both alt.cyberspace and
The WELL's    vr    conference, so unless the Group Mind thinks
otherwise, I suggest we move on to more tangible manifestations of
our work.

[However, I remain open to comments on sensuality as a general issue
for the design of virtual worlds.  Shall we, or shall we not?  Your
comments are welcome. -- Bob Jacobson]

hersh@exhume.lcs.mit.edu (05/15/91)

Personally I prefer mine human, thanks. There is a lot more to sex than 
just the physical act. Speaking from personal experience sex is a lot 
more than just orgasm, and the emotional state involved in sharing the 
act with another person makes a significant difference in the experience.

I don't want to launch a long discussion here about sexuality, or to to 
imply that the poster referenced has an inadequate sex life, just wanted 
to point out that I think there are some things computers SHOULD never 
be made to attempt.


Disclaimer: Programmers may be able to control computers, 
            but no one has learned how to control programmers.

entropy@wpi.WPI.EDU (Lawrence C Foard) (05/17/91)

In article <1991May15.162601.8311@mintaka.lcs.mit.edu> hersh@exhume.lcs.
mit.edu writes:

[stuff deleted]

>I don't want to launch a long discussion here about sexuality, or to to 
>imply that the poster referenced has an inadequate sex life, just wanted 
>to point out that I think there are some things computers SHOULD never 
>be made to attempt.

I assume the idea isn't to have sex with a computer, but rather to have sex
with another person far away, using virtual reality to simulate there physical
presence. Tinysex (mud sex) is fairly popular, while there is no physical or
visual stimulation, its certainly beats reading a romance novel. The
difference being that there is a real but often anonymous person on the other

For those unfamiliar with muds, they are basically text based multi user
virtual realitys. They require some imagination but can be quite addictive,
and seem much more real than books, or even movies. From the experiences I
have had with muds, I think real virtual reality will have fairly extreme
effects on society. 

If you want to see what muds or all about:
telnet grape.ecs.clarkson.edu 6250
read rec.games.mud, there is a list of muds periodically posted.
Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are 99.44% true.
|Republicans understand the importance          | Thats One way to keep the| 
|of bondage between a mother and child. -Quayle | family together....      |  

rcd@ico.isc.com (Dick Dunn) (05/17/91)

hersh@exhume.lcs.mit.edu writes:

> Personally I prefer mine human, thanks. There is a lot more to sex than 
> just the physical act...
> ... just wanted 
> to point out that I think there are some things computers SHOULD never 
> be made to attempt.

Although the newsgroup name "virtual worlds" suggests the idea of replacing
"the real thing", that's not the only direction the technology could take.
Consider instead the use of computer and peripherals (and networking) as
an intermediary, as a communications device for the case where two people
can't be in the same physical location.

Multi-media teleconferencing at its best?
Dick Dunn     rcd@ico.isc.com -or- ico!rcd       Boulder, CO   (303)449-2870
   ...If you plant ice, you're gonna harvest wind.

trebor@uunet.UU.NET (Robert J Woodhead) (05/17/91)

buckland@ucs.ubc.ca (Tony Buckland) writes:

> A recent posting dismissed an earlier question about expectations
> for virtual-world sex rather cavalierly, with what I take to be
> the derisory term "teledildonics".

Just as a humorous anecdote, back in the '70s at the U of I,
Urbana (home of PLATO), a grad student apparently designed a
microprocessor controlled dildo.  As it was described to me,
said device had temperature, pressure, moisture and for all
I know accellerometers in it, the whole idea being to allow
it to provide an interactive experience.

However, the feature that most impressed me was the concept
of using "plug in (ahem) ROMPAKS" to allow the user to modify
the behavior of the dildo.  So a user could choose between
"Lazy Summer Afternoons" and "Ride 'Em Cowboy", for example.

Such a device, if it was ever built, would bring new meaning
to the term "User Interface."  The developer's toolkit would
be positively pornographic.  And I've always wondered who did
the Beta testing.... ;^>

| Robert J. Woodhead, Biar Games / AnimEigo, Incs.   trebor@foretune.co.jp |
| "The Force. It surrounds us; It enfolds us; It gets us dates on Saturday |
| Nights." -- Obi Wan Kenobi, Famous Jedi Knight and Party Animal.         |

[MODERATOR'S NOTE:  I relent.  :-) -- Bob Jacobson]

jal@pandora.cs.wayne.edu (Jason Leigh) (05/18/91)

Is this Virtual Sex or really Computer enhanced masturbation?

:^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) ;^)   O^: (^: (^: (^: (^: (^: (^: (^:
:^)  Where the telescope ends, the microscope begins.             (^:
:v)  Which of the two has the grander view?     - Victor Hugo     (v:
:v) :v) :v) :v) :v) :v) :v) :v) :v(   $v: (v: (v: (v: (v: (v: (v: (v:

jwtlai@watcgl.waterloo.edu (Jim W Lai) (05/21/91)

In article <1991May18.161337.23897@cs.wayne.edu> jal@pandora.cs.wayne.edu (Jason
 Leigh) writes:
>Is this Virtual Sex or really Computer enhanced masturbation?

Is this virtual reality or really computer-enhanced reality?

Again, there is no agreement on that.