[sci.virtual-worlds] Transducers

hibbett@prcs3.decnet.philips.be (05/23/91)

For those who are interested, a company called "Alan Butcher Components" in 
Dorest, England market 25KHz transducers, as well as the standard 40KHz type. I
did ask which manufacture they were from, and they guy on the phone told me, 
but I forgot. If anyone out there wants to know but doen't want to make the 
long distance call, I'll ask again. They are on (UK) 0258-840011.

The devices are cheap (pounds sterling, 2.35 each for the 25KHz type, 1.75 for 
the 40KHz type). I would have prefered a higher frequency device, but i'm going
to play with some samples anyway.

If you give them a call, mention my name. They might give me discount next 
time! (joke!)

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Mike Hibbett  Software engineer   |   Philips Radio Communication Systems Ltd
Tel: INT + 44 223 358985 Ext.3310 | St Andrews Road, Cambridge, CB4 1DP,England
Philips DECnet:  PRCS3::HIBBETT   | EUnet:  hibbett@prcs3.decnet.philips.be