[sci.virtual-worlds] Positions Available

robcamp@uunet.UU.NET (Robert Campanell) (05/24/91)

"Cyberia," a television program featuring computer animations,
music video, and dance, is seek three students from the
Washington DC area to join the production staff.  The positions
will involve all aspects of television production.   Activities
include script writing, video editing, direction, on-camera
hosting, producing and audio mixing.

We use the Mandala virtual environment for the introduction
segments of the program.  The goal of the program is to
demonstrate how the computer is being used as an artistic tool,
and to develop ideas for virtual reality as an entertainment

"Cyberia" is entirely student-produced.  The program is aired on
U*NET (University Network), a non-profit satellite television
network linking hundreds of colleges across the United States. 
U*NET features a diversity of student-produced programs from
school across the U.S.  The network is located at Brown
University, and is supported from grants by CBS, Time-Warner,
HBO, TBS and other major cable networks.

"Cyberia" is in its second season, and is scheduled for six
episodes (three each semester).  Production will resume in

All positions are on a volunteer basis, and require a time
commitment between 2-5 hours per week.  If you are interested in
the positions, please E-mail a reply, or call me a (202) 667-4721

|                        "C Y B E R I A"                       |
|             Experience Reality in a Virtual World            |
|Robert Campanell                  |Explicit Multimedia        |
|Producer, "Cyberia"               |2020 Pennsylvania Ave. NW  |
|George Washington University      |Suite 430                  |
|USENET: robcamp@well.sf.ca.us     |Washington, DC  20006      |