[sci.virtual-worlds] Correction on Swedish Researcher's Name

cyberoid@milton.u.washington (Bob Jacobson) (05/28/91)

>From @isy.liu.se:jonas-y@isy.liu.se Mon May 20 11:09:36 1991
>Date: Mon, 20 May 91 20:08:31 +0200
>From: jonas-y@isy.liu.se
>Subject: Re: My European Trip Report, Part 3: Sweden's Multi-G Project...
>In sci.virtual-worlds you write:
>>grander projects.  One of the directors of this work is Robert
>>Hochmeier (sp?) (Swedish readers, help me with this last name,
>>please).  Linkoping is about 300 km southwest of Stockholm and
>>home to the Swedish/GM aerospace/automotive giant, SAAB.
>That's Robert Forchheimer.

[MODERATOR'S NOTE:  My apologies.  A visit to Professor Forchheimer's
laboratory is a must for any visitors to Sweden. -- Bob Jacobson]