[sci.virtual-worlds] Looking for an Internship in this field....

beeman@ucscb.ucsc.edu (Adm ''3a'' Beeman) (05/28/91)

As an undergraduate college student, one of the things that I have noticed
in my search for the perfect summer job is this: the words "Virtual Reality"
don't seem to be showing up in the "Employment Opportunities" section of
ANY of the newspapers I have looked at.  Right, ha ha, this guy wants to work
in VR.  I realize that Cyberspace is about to blossom into something quite

However, there are no classes offered at UC Santa Cruz in this field either; 
there is plenty of discussion between students and grad students, but there are
no courses or equipment available for undergraduates.  Sure, this will all have
changed in a few years, but currently I am in a state of limbo.

As the technology expands, it will be understood by fewer and fewer people.
It is my desire to gain an understanding of this medium, and perhaps some
hands-on experience, so that I might be able to keep up with this new growth
and perhaps teach it to others.

I am aware that this newsgroup is used by many of the people doing active
research in this area.  My questions to you are these:

        1.  Would you be interested in offering me an internship for the
        summer, from about June 20th until the end of August?

        2.  Do you know of any possibilities for such?

        3.  Am I being unrealistic in hoping that I might be able to find
        such an intership without being a fluent programmer/hardware
        4.  What sort of skills are the most important to have as a
        newcomer to this field?

I am not a CIS/CE major; I am more artistically/esthetically inclined and
have been using computers all my life in some way or another.  While I do
not know C or C++, I have become rather proficient with UNIX in the last
two years, and have also grown up playing video games and other interactive
computer games that involve learning commands and systems.

I would love to help in areas such as designing effective ways of working
in a virtual space or creating such spaces.

If you feel that you might be able to answer any of the above questions,
or point me in the right direction,  please do not hesitate to send me
mail!  I would prefer email responses, but ANY response is better than none.

        Thanks a bundle in advance.
||  Adam Beeman,                                The bubbles fill the space   ||
 || designer of alternate realities.                             o   O      ||
||  Another useless philosophical type.                 o       o       o    ||
 ||                                                               o   0     ||
||      beeman@ucscb.ucsc.edu   (408) 459-7672                  O       O    ||
 ||     Disclaimer: Most people don't care what I think, do you?            ||