[sci.virtual-worlds] Ph.D. Co-Researcher Wanted by Japanese Force-Feedback Lab - URGENT!!!

i8004@uunet.UU.NET (Fukui Yukio) (05/29/91)

Contact:  Dr. Yukio FUKUI
          Industrial Products Research Institute
          Email: i8004%ipri.go.jp@uunet.UU.NET

    The vision of the research is to create a new CAD system with 
which the user can easily make a virtual clay model with 
his hand. The project started in April 1991. 

    The Agency of Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) of the 
Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) of Japan
is searching for foreign researcher to work during a certain period
of time with Dr. Fukui, the researcher for AIST.

The conditions are:

The applicant researcher should hold a doctorate in science
or engineering, and be under the age of 35.

The period of co-research in Japan is for 6 months to 1 year.

Travel expense: Economy class, round-trip air fare will be provided.
Living expense: 9,000yen/day during his/her stay in Japan
Housing allowance: less than 100,000yen/month
Family allowance:  50,000yen/month 
Relocation allowance: 200,000yen for arrival in and departure from Japan

[The conversion rate is approximately Y135 = $1.00.]

Japanese language course: may be provided at the beginning of the stay

If you have interest in this request, please let me know of your FAX no.
I will send you more detail information brochure.

Thank you very much.

[MODERATOR'S NOTE:  Please act quickly:  the deadline for app's is June 11th!
-- Bob Jacobson]
