[sci.virtual-worlds] Medical VR

stan@grip.cis.upenn.edu (Stan Schwartz) (05/30/91)


I was wondering what  books, proceedings, or journals are the 
sources of the three following Medical VR citations, taken from 
the ftp VR bibliography:

Barillot, C., Robb, R. A., C., "Interactive Display and Analysis 
of 3-D Medical Images," 8, no. 3, pp. 217-226, Sept. 1989.

Hanson, D.P., Robb, R. A., ANALYZE: A Software System for 
Interactive Display and Quantitative Analysis of Multidimensional 
Medical Images, 1989.

Stacy, M.C., Robb, R.A., Hanson, D.P., Karwoski, R.A., Larson, A. 
G., Workman, E.L., "ANALYZE: A Comprehensive, Operator-Interactive 
Software Package for Multidemensional Medical Image Display and 
Analysis," 13, no. 6, p. 433-454, 1989.

More generally, does anyone have any more info on the use of VR 
for viewing/analyzing medical data or performing real-time medical 
activities (either personal experience or reference citations)?

The mother of all thanks,

[MODERATOR'S NOTE:  You might check the bibtex formatted bibliography.
According to its compilers, the errors in citations have generally
been corrected there.  We will rationalize the bibliography over the
summer. -- Bob Jacobson]